Late Night Live Tinder PT 3 Shayne

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I am not as stressed as I was, yet the weight of whatever's going on right now is weighing on me and I hate it. We’re in this weird limbo area and neither of us know what to say to move forward. If only I knew what she was thinking maybe I would have the nerve to say something. I chuh my beer and finish it before going to get another and a cider for her. If I need the liquid courage, maybe she does too. 

Sitting back down, “Do you mind if I just talk out loud for a minute?” I say because if I get my thoughts out of my head they might make sense. At the very least, it will give me more space to think. Besides, if I ramble what I really want to say might come out. 

She nods so I continue, “We were under contracts at Defy, so I never thought about it. I was with my ex and then you were with yours. Our friendship kept building so naturally, I didn’t notice anything besides friendship.”

She looks at me intently and it’s her eyes that tell me that she will be by my side no matter what happens. “Every kiss was professional and every scene was just that, a scene. I was able to separate that especially when I was in a relationship,” I say with a shrug. “It wasn’t til Mythical and that “Every Couple Ever” sketch that the thought even crossed my mind.”

My thoughts were starting to slow, but I see her gasp and immediately my mind speeds back up. Shit. I look at her face for answers, freezing up. She reaches her hand to touch my knee. Can she see I’m freaking out? 

The air hangs heavily between us and I don't know if it was seconds or minutes before she spoke. “It crossed my mind too,” she says nervously. “That kiss was something neither of us have done with anyone on-screen. It felt more like you and me versus Caleb and his girlfriend.” Her eyes looking down at her shoes.   

We both pause. This is it. We either cross that line or skate around it. “We need to promise each other that we will always stay best friends no matter what.” I say and Courtney looks up and I stick out my pinky. “Childish, I know, but I mean it.” 

She looks at me and links her pinky with mine. “You and me Topp, best friends always, I promise.”

Picking up where I left off, “I should probably tell you that Damien was laughing on purpose…” I bite my lip as she gives me a confused look. “He kept telling me that the relationship I had with you was better than any friendship or relationship I have ever had.”

“He would tease me more than the rest of the cast. Especially since he could get away with it more. I was worried I was going to drop you, but that little shit kept laughing to make us kiss again.” I awkwardly chuckle. 

“Olivia would have done the same thing. In fact, she does similar things in some of the other videos.” Courtney sighs. “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one getting secretly teased.”

Laughing I say, “At least we can commiserate on our best friends doing the same shit." 

We both pause taking a drink and collecting our thoughts. Still hesitant to cross into dangerous territory, but its good knowing I'm not the only one affected by the kiss. 

“Shayne, we can’t avoid this forever.” she says sincerely. “I’m just going to say it. I have never had a kiss like that. I can’t get it out of my head.” She looks down. 

She wants a response, but I’m playing tug-of-war with myself. With a deep breath and a chug of beer, “I liked it,” I pause trying to keep my nerve. “I wish it didn’t stop.” I drank my beer anxious for a response. 

“Really?” she says in shock. “I liked being close to you. It felt warm and comforting. If I did that with anyone else, I would have been terrified of getting hurt, but you make me feel safe.”

Another Shourtney one-shot collection. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें