Late Night Live Tinder PT 2 Courtney

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AN: I am still debating if I want to post the third part or not. It's not necessary and this could be left here, but I haven't made a concrete decision.


Part 2: Courtney’s POV

I walked on to the stage and before I could even register what’s going on. Immediately, I heard Shayne yelling at Ian. Wait? Shayne? Why is Shayne here? I freeze like a deer in the headlights. Is he the person they were trying to set up with a date?

Before I know it Shayne is running out the door with Damien following behind him. I drop to the floor. Crap. He hates me. Ian came to me. “Don’t,” I glared. “Leave me alone.”

I sit there with my head on my knees, hands running anxiously through my hair. Thoughts are racing through my mind. Shayne is mad at me, I know it. He probably thinks I planned this and is never going to talk to me again. 

I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like him. I’ve realized a crush growing for the last 3 and a half months. Starting when Shayne and I kissed during Every Couple Ever.

I felt something, but Shayne is my best friend. I would have never told him this way, if I ever told him. He was angry and probably thinks it’s my fault. 

I feel a hand on my back. “Ian… I said to leave me alone,” I sob.

“Court, it’s just Liv. Shayne told me something was up and to find you.”

Shayne sent her to me, I question. What? But, he didn’t come himself. I frown. I don’t blame him either. He probably sent Liv to tell me he doesn’t want to talk to me again. He probably figured she could soften the blow. 

She sits next to me and I let my head fall onto her shoulder. “What am I going to do Liv? I don’t want Shayne to be mad at me.”

“Court, he’s not mad at you. He asked me to find you. He’s mad, yes, but he was genuinely worried about you. He didn’t tell me much, but he told me to tell you he’s not mad. He’ll believe you. 

Olivia stands up and reaches her hand out. “I know you want to cry, but not here.”

I take a deep breath and think for a second. Grabbing her hand, I stand up and let her pull me towards the office. 

“Hey Court,” Damien says with a cautious look as we enter the office.

I sigh. “Damien. How is he?” Please tell me he’s okay. Please tell me that we will be okay. I think, not stating those final questions aloud.

“He went home. He is so angry that Ian would set you and him up like that. He is really worried about you. He doesn’t want you to think this is his fault,” Damien reassures. 

“What do I do?” I question Damien.

“Are you okay to drive?” He questions. 

“I think so.” I nod. 

“Here,” He hands me my car keys. “Go see him. He might not want to talk right away, but you two can figure this out together.”

I grab my keys and hug Damien. Olivia got my stuff together, hands my bag to me, and I hug her. 

“You guys will still be best friends at the end of this,” Olivia says confidently. “Go get him.”

I feel like I am on autopilot as I put my bag into the passenger seat and put the key into the ignition. Damien’s words keep cycling through my head and while it makes me feel a little bit better, yet it’s not enough to take away my fear that Shayne hates me. 

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