Try- Prequel

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This takes place before and concurrently with the previous chapter. It's all in Courtney's POV to see her side of what went down and what actually happened in Australia (fictionally of course). I am still trying to figure out if I want to write a chapter continuing this story line or not. Enjoy!

I hid in the bathroom hyperventilating. I have to tell Shayne how I feel. 

This trip to Australia has been amazing. We’ve been hanging out as a group, but Shayne and I have been taking off alone too. The more we hang out in a foreign country, the more I start to see him in a different light. 

I think the feelings have always been there, but they were easy to repress until I noticed them. Now, it has taken over my mind as I think through everything that has happened the last couple of days. 

On Monday, Shayne bought me food because I got caught up talking with fans on the expo floor so I didn’t have a chance to eat before the meet and greet. On Tuesday, he noticed I wasn’t at breakfast so he brought a coffee up to my room. That night, he helped me walk back to the hotel after I got a little too tipsy at the karaoke bar. On Wednesday, he played tour guide and took me to all the places he researched that he thought would be fun. Damien didn’t even tag along, it was just us. 

So now it's Thursday and I am confused. Sure, I know friends do these things too. However, Shayne and I aren’t normal friends. The internet has always pointed that out. We have always had something more and now I think I know what it is. Shayne isn’t just a friend to me. He is someone I probably couldn’t live my life without. 

I put my journal back into my suitcase as I grab my backpack. Today we have the expo, but tonight we are going exploring again. I already know Sarah and Matt have plans. I think Ian might too. So that leaves me, Shayne and Damien. I have to find Damien and see if he can leave Shayne and I alone, well for a little bit. 

I enter the lobby and I see that Damien’s there, but Shayne isn’t perfect. I walk up to Damien. “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, Court, what’s up?” Damien responds. 

“Well, I have something I need to discuss with Shayne and I was wondering if you would mind letting us talk a little bit tonight.” I anxiously say. 

“Are you okay?” Damien wonders. “Of course you can talk to Shayne, Court, you don’t need my permission.”

“I’m okay. I just have something that popped up while we have been here and I need to work it out.” I hope Damien won’t ask more questions, but without Kari or Olivia here, he’s a good person to talk too. 

“Do you need to talk about it? You know you can talk to me Court. I know you and Shayne are closer, but I am here for you too.” Damien says sincerely. 

“Well, I… Damien, I think I like Shayne. I don’t know if it's the exhaustion getting to me or if it's been the fact he's been looking after me this trip, but somethings going on. Something seems to have changed and I want to figure out what it is.” I pause. “I’m worried what it will mean for Shayne and I though.” 

“Hey.” Damien pulls me in for a hug. “You and Shayne will always be okay. Tell him how you feel. He will listen.” He reassures. 

At that moment Shayne walks into the lobby. “Thanks, Dames,” I whisper. 

“Hey guys whats up?” Shayne greets us. 

“Waiting on you, sleepy head.” Damien jokes. 

“Come on, let’s get some coffee so we can head out.” I say while pulling Shayne over to the coffee stand in the lobby. 

Shayne and I are out exploring. Damien “had” to call his mom so he said he would meet up with us later. 

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