His Park

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I haven't given up on Try yet. I do have another chapter started, I just boxed myself into a corner.

For this one-shot I want to share that quarantining is important. As someone who hasn't seen any family for 15 months and won't for awhile, please do your part. Follow all local and state guidelines, not how I wrote quarantine into my fictional story. Thank you for those who are doing everything they can to protect those around you.

The Park. 

This is stupid. I know it's a bad idea, but here I am at his park with a mask on my face, reading a book, and waiting to see him. 

You don't realize how much you miss someone until you go from seeing them almost every day to not at all. I have always cared for Shayne, but not having him around makes me feel like something is missing. So I did the "rational" thing of basically stalking my best friend in order to just see him somewhere besides on a computer screen.

I pick up my book. It is a nice day to read after all. Even if I don't see Shayne, it's a chance for some much needed sunlight and fresh air. Quarantine has kept me inside and this has already helped to clear my mind. 

I keep flipping through the pages becoming more and more engrossed in what I'm reading. I am half-way through my book when I hear my name. My brains first thought that it couldn't be someone calling for me, but after hearing the voice get closer and my name said a couple more times, I look up and there he is. Shayne is standing 6 feet in front of me. 

"Courtney, hey, how are you?" Shaybe says as he scratches his neck.

"Meh, I'm better now that I'm getting some sun, but quarantine sucks." I sigh. "I really miss being with everyone." 

"Do you mind if I sit?" I nod my head yes and Shayne cautiously sits down on the opposite end of my blanket. 

"How are you doing Shayne? This place seems to feel like a perfect place to hide in plain sight," I smirk.

Shayne looks off into the distance before responding. "It's weird. I'm better at being alone, but too much of it has been driving me mad. I miss bouncing off others when acting. My whole energy feels off." 

"Tell me about it. I can usually bounce jokes off of you, but all I have is either a prerecorded video and/or a script to go off of," I frown. "It's not the same."

"We do make some pretty good scenes don't we, Court?" Shayne asks with a glimmer in his eyes. 

"Yes we do frog legs, yes we do." I respond, blushing at the fact.

"What brings you to my side of the world? Aren't there a couple parks you used to walk to?" Shayne ponders.

"Well, umm, this is going to sound really stupid, but, I, umm. I came hoping to see you." I take a deep breath deciding if I want to proceed. "I figured if I was here, you could make the choice about whether you felt safe or not and if I was into what I was reading, I probably wouldn't have noticed." 

Shayne pauses a second and he looks like he's thinking, trying to plan his next move. He brings his hand up to play with his mask. Normally it's his beard, a nervous tick of his, I noticed after years of seeing each other through the gamut. 

I start to panic. "I'm sorry it was a stupid idea. I shouldn't have invaded your sanctuary," I panic and start to gather up my things. 

"Court… Courtney. Relax. I don't mind sharing this place with you. I'm glad you came. I miss you too," Shayne's blue eyes pierce into my own. 

"Quarantine is harder for me because we can't see each other in person," he continues. "We had so much fun in Australia. The nights we were up late crashing in each other's rooms, the exploring, and just being with you… umm all of you. It's weird going 100 to zero." 

"Just being with me?" I wonder aloud. "Shayne, it's weird for me too and you're a big part of it. Sure I miss the others, but we have always been closer." 

"We have, haven't we?" Shayne pauses. He seems like he has something on his mind, but for once, I don't know what it is. 

"Shayne, what are we? We've been dancing around it for so long, but you and I have never actually talked and ruled out Shourtney," my voice turning into a whisper. 

"Rule out Shourtney?" Shayne says worried. 

"I don't know about you, but all this quarantining has left me with too much time to think. It's made me realize what's important to me," I state boldly. This is Shayne. Whatever happens we are us, I decide. 

"I think that, scratch that. I know I miss you and you're important to me, Court. I know we've always been more than friends. I don't know after that, but I know you're special to me," Shayne says, eyes looking right into my soul. 

"You're important to me too, frog legs."

We sit in silence. The masks on our faces act as a glaring reminder that we can't hug. Our words are hanging over us. 

"I haven't seen anyone in person besides you since we got back. I've done grocery and meal delivery. I only leave my apartment to walk and roller blade." I ramble. "I guess what I'm trying to say is what do we do?" 

I want to hug him so bad, but the fear of potentially being infected heightens my anxiety. 

"I don't see anyone either. I saw Damien last week, but he dropped filming equipment off at my doorstep and we talked outside for a few minutes." Shayne says. Changing the subject, "You said rule out Shourtney. What did you mean?" 

"We never said a distinct yes or no. We've danced around it, but never actually decided to sink the ship or try it." My hands fidgeting with the book I was reading. 

"I'm honestly not against trying," Shayne blurts out. "We said it before. We have always been the closest and let's talk reality. We are closer than most best friends." 

"What do we do about quarantine?" I ask. "I want to try, but…" I trail off as I point to my mask. 

We both struggle to make the safest choice. 

"Okay, hear me out. You haven't interacted with anyone since Australia. I haven't interacted with anyone since Australia. It's been at least 14 days. Do… do you want to come over?" I stutter out. 

Shayne continues to play with his mask. He stands up and reaches a hand out to help me stand up. "I'd love to come over." He pulls me into a hug as we both savor the moment. 

"So, we're doing this? Are we finally going to try dating?" I ask for clarification. 

Shayne chuckles. "We're doing this. Come on Courtbort. Let's go back to your place."

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