[Chapter 6]

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*Half Edited*
Enjoy 😊

That was the best night I've slept since being here. My body felt like it was laying on soft clouds. I opened my eyes slowly, the light was shining through the curtains in from of the windows.

My body felt well-rested and not in pain.

But then that voice from last night was so calm and soft. I think it was Cage's wolf.

Maybe his wolf had a change of heart.

Maybe not but we will see.

Taking my the getting up from my bed. Stretching my arms above my head and moaning in a good way. My mouth was so dry, I noticed a cup and a jug of water by my bed. Pouring the jug of water into the cup. I drank the whole jug of water.

A nurse came to the room. "Oh your up, I'll grab the doctor." She left the room.

A few seconds later, Dr. Kyle came into the room.

"It's nice to see you up and more energetic. Are you feeling any pain?" Standing in front of me.

"No pain at all, I feel like I have more energy."

"That's good, I think we can discharge you after breakfast and getting washed up."

"That we'll be great."

"Thank you, Dr.Kyle."

"Your very welcome, Jeanette. Have a lovely day." The doctor closes the door behind him.

Ten minutes later, a nurse came in with a tray of breakfast. I thank her after she set it in front of me and taking the lid off. It smells like apple cinnamon oatmeal with a few pieces of toast and strawberries on the side. Then I see a cup that looks dark and I'm assuming it's blood.

Once I was done eating my breakfast, a nurse came and took out my IVs. I was a free woman. She showed me a room that had a shower.

"Can you informed Susan that I need clothes, once I'm done?" I kindly ask the nurse.

"Of course, miss. Right away. Did need any help getting into the shower?"

"No, I can manage but thank you for asking."

"Your welcome, everything you need is in there." I nodded at her as she closed the door.

I need a long hot shower.


Once I was informed that Jeanette was going to be discharged. I grab her comfortable clothes and headed to the hospital wing.

The nurse showed me the room that she was showering in. I knock a few times until I heard her voice saying 'come in'. I slowly open the door and it was nice and hot.

"Hey, it's me, Susan."

"Oh hey, I'm glad that you're here." I see her head poking out of the curtain.

"I'm beyond excited that you're awake and alive. You've had me worried since you were in bed."

"I'm fine, Susan. Really."

"I know it's just, I almost lost you."

I heard the water go off and I see her grabbing towels. Jeanette moves the curtain to the side.

"Susan, I'm fine. I feel better than ever. Now if only Cage can be nice."

"That asshole is on my hit list and I mean it, Jeanette."

"Okay, I get it," Jeanette says as she gets out of the shower.

"Well, I'll be waiting out there for you?" I closed the door behind me. Leaning against the wall.

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