[Chapter 3]

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My body felt so heavy. What happened last night? My eyes slowly opening up. I find myself in a room with a small window and a door at the of this bed. I tried to move my hands but I felt something around my wrist. Lifting my hands and I noticed that I was in cuffs along with chains.


He put his ex-mate in chains.

That fucking mutt.

Sitting up and i see that I'm still naked.

"HELLOOO." Yelling out for him. Hopping he'll hear me.

Loud foot steps coming closer to the bedroom door. The door opens and he's standing at the entrance, staring at me.

"Yes slave?" Smirks at me like he's enjoying his view.

"I'm not your god dam slave. I have a name." I'm getting irritated and I have to go to the bathroom. Bad.

"Then what's your name?" He says as he crosses his arms.

"It's Jeanette. Wh-." I trying to be polite but he cuts me off.

"The names Cage." I like that name and it fits him for a mutt.

"Okay Cage. Can you unchain me so I could go to the bathroom?" Asking nicely to him.

"Why would I do that my slave?" He walks towards the bed and sits down near my feet.

"Because I really need to go badly and I don't want to ruin your furniture."

"Well I see your point."

"If you run away from me I will torture you filthy blood sucker." Those words he said made my chest hurt a lot.

I didn't say anything or look at him.

"Give me both your wrist." I did as he says. Holding both of my wrist towards him. I see him pull out a key from his pants pocket. Unlocking each of my cuffs.

"Do you have any extra clothes?" Asking hoping he has any thing to cover my nude bod.

"Why I already seen your body. Nobody comes to this area."

Area? Where the hell did he take me?

"Where am I exactly?" It feels like I'm in a cabin somewhere in the forest.

"That's for me to know." Snapping at me.

"Can you get me something to wear please and thank you." I was starting to get irritated. I can see he already hates me more.

He didn't say anything, turned around and
walk out the door. A few minutes late he comes in, throws it a piece of clothing at me. Well that wasn't nice.

Holding it up to was a long sleeve shirt. Where's the other bottom half.

"Pants?" I say to him and he nods his head. What the heck's wrong with him.

I put the long sleeve on me and got off the bed. Gently rubbing my wrist as they were sore. My thoughts went straight to Susan. I wonder if she noticed that I'm missing. I always tell her where I'm going and vice versa.

I really hope she starts finding me.

"Let's get going then." He says as I follow right behind him.


Last Night

"Jeanette, please come out of your hiding?" I growled out. I hate being surprised. Usually by her. The one time she surprised us when I got knocked out. Then another time where I was swollen my drink

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