Chapter 8

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**Trigger Scene***


After cutting off one finger, he screamed like a little girl.

"Tell me now, before all of your fingers are fucking gone?" Gripping the rogues hair and making it snap back. Letting out a painful groan.

"If I tell you, your just going to kill me anyways." Whispering out loud.

"Maybe but I was thinking of letting you go and tell your rogue leader, that we will have war." Once I said that, the rogue was thinking about it.

"But first, I need to you to give him a message for me." I say to him, nodding his head.

Guys hold him down for me. Mind linking the two guys that were in here with me.

The two men grab each arm and holding a tight grip.

Picking up a knife, making sure it's sharp and waving it in front of him. Bring the tip closer to his chest, letting him feel the blade and I could tell that he was scared. But he tried not to show it.

The blade was made from wolfsbane and it's a weakness to our kind. We never use it unless we have too.

I began craving each letter onto his chest. Hearing him hiss and groan when the knife makes lines. Watching the blood dripping down, while I guide the tip of the blade. I took my time slowly slicing each letter.


"Take him to the east valley and leave him there." I told the two men and they both nodded.

"Wait just a second." I added before they take him away. I gave him a few good punches to his face and the final one, I heard a crack. The rogue let out a painful moan.

I left the cell, washed my hands down the hall and went upstairs. It was dark, when I looked outside.

I went to my bathroom, taking my clothes off and turned the shower on and went in. Letting the hot water slide down my body.

My thoughts went to Jeanette, I've heard nothing of her condition. Is she okay? How bad did she get hurt? If only I was five minutes early, this would've happened.

No, don't think of her this way. You should be glad that she got hurt. That's all you wanted to do, is to make her feel the pain.

Shaking my head a few times. Don't feel any empathy for her kind. Making sure that feeling is deep down within me.

Once I was done, dried myself and got dressed. Before I showered I mind-link a maid for her to bring food to my room.

Sitting at the table, as I was about to take a bite of my dinner. Someone was knocking at the door.

"Come in." Saying it out loud.

I see my bother poking his head around the door as he opens it.

"I just wanted to know what happened before the rouge's attack?" John asks and looks at me like I did care.

"Well after done workout, I decided to run up north towards the lake and that's went I smelted her. But as soon as I got closer, a scent of a rogue was near by and her scent also. I seen her walking in the trail towards and that's when I saw one of the rogue's behind her. Yelling at her to run and I mind link you for help."

"That's all I wanted to know. I know you despise their kind and I know she's your other half. Your going to keep hearing this but you only have one mate a life time, brother. I-" I put my hand up to stop him talking.

"I understand your concern but I have no interest in mating her. I want my kind as my mate. Now you may go." I could see that John was clinching his jaw. Feeling the anger in him.

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