Thunder stranger p2

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𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Zord Wreckage~~~~
Darkness is all that I can see and feel. Suddenly, I start getting shaken back and forth. "hazel ? hazel! HAZEL!" A masculine voice speaks, and the shaking becomes more violent. I make a groaning sound, and my eyelids scrunch together as a bright white light shines. I open my eyes, my vision is slightly fuzzy, but isn't that bad, and am met with two figures. One in crimson and one in navy. The crimson one is above me, and seemed to have been the one shaking me, and the navy one is looking down at me. I instantly think they are the crimson and navy thunder rangers.
I jump up, pushing the man in crimson away, "Get away from me!" I stumble backwards, and fall to the ground again. I land with a thud, and try to get back on my feet, my head pounding like crazy.
"Wait! Hazel, it's me, Hunter." The boy in crimson exclaims, grabbing a hold of my wrist. I blink my eyes a few more times, and my vision clears. I see Hunter, Blake and Kelly looking at me.
"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" Kelly breathes, running towards me and wrapping my in a tight hug. "I thought we had lost you."
"What happened?" I squeeze out, looking around in a daze.
"Blake and Hunter were riding when they saw an explosion from the power ranger's fight," Kelly explains, "they found me, and we ran as fast as we could here. When we were coming to see if anyone was caught in the wreckage, we found you on the ground unconscious. What were you doing, Hazel?!"
"I was skateboarding , and the aftershock from the explosion knocked me out." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. My eyes widen in fear, and I take off at the speed of light to the wreckage, "Please be okay." I whisper to myself. Kelly, Hunter and Blake followed me, just trying at this point to keep up with me.
Running to the top of the hill, I can make out three figures, struggling to walk up the hill. "Tori! Shane! Dustin! " I shout, sprinting over to my brother and two friends.
I help them up the hill, as Hunter explains, "We were riding when we saw the smoke."
Blake helps Tori up and asks her, "Are you okay?"
Tori hunches down, but replies, "Yea, thanks."
"What happened?" Hunter questions.
"Yea," Kelly agrees, "I was listening in the car on the way over here. They think it was some kind of alien attack." We look down, and Blake looks to us.
"Does that sorta of thing happen a lot around here?"
"You ever wonder why housing was so cheap?" Shane replies, eyeing the two brothers.
"We need to call someone," Kelly starts, "The police, the FBI, the CIA, the Silver Guardians..."
"NO!" I interrupt as soon as I hear the words 'Silver Guardians' come out of my cousin's mouth. They look at me strangely. "Sorry." If Uncle Wes and Eric knew that I was a ranger, they'd flip.
"No," The blue ranger interrupts, getting back on topic, "We're fine. Thanks." Tori glances at the yellow and red rangers, knowing that Cam is probably going to blow up at them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Bradleys look at each other, and Hunter nods to Blake, keeping it small. What are they up to?
I help the others up, and we start to walk to Ninja Ops in our civilian forms.
"You guys alright?" I ask, walking backwards.
"That was way harsh, man." Dustin answers, holding up his morpher, "You know, I think my morpher's toast." I stand next to him, hand grab his wrist. Pushing a few buttons questioningly.
"Guys," I start, "Dustin's right. Your morphers are fried."
After a sigh of annoyance, Shane exclaims, "Cam is going to freak when he finds out we thrashed the zords."
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
And sure enough, Shane was right. "Well, you managed to reduce years of technological advancement into a pile of scrap metal in a single afternoon," The three wind rangers look down, and I sigh. "Not to mention what you did to the zords."
"Cam," I say, "Now isn't the time for this."
"Hazel is right," Sensei Wantanabe agrees.
"I'm sorry, you're right." Cam apologizes, "Thankfully the auto-retreat allowed the reactors time to reset the holographic portals. I've engaged the self reconstruction functions." With that, Cam turns, with the morphers still in hand, and we follow him to his seat.
"Dude, I have no idea what you just said." Dustin admits.
"He means that the zords are repairing themselves." I explain, getting a weird look from everyone. "Oh, when you have an uncle that talks like Cam around you for an entire childhood, you pick up a few things." Dustin chuckles in understanding, I blushed as I tap the Wind Ninja symbol, showing the other rangers what we're talking about. Senei jumps onto Dustin's head, and then onto the table, making the earth ninja say 'ow'.
"Hey Sensei," Shane starts, "Why didn't they finish us off?"
"Yea, those zords they had were sicko, bro," Dustin exclaims, before realizing his mistake, "I mean, Sensei."
"The Thunder Zords, " Sensei explains, as we watch the screen, "made from the same technology that powers your own."
"And these Thunder Ninjas, work for Lothor?" Tor asks in disbelief. "That doesn't make any sense."
"True, " I muse, "But, there have been evil rangers since the first team of rangers, starting with the evil green ranger."
"Yea," Shane agrees, "No more than Zurgane getting out of there when they showed up."
"I suspect, that with all evil alliances, there is distention in the ranks." Sensei infers. "Distention that can be used to our advantage, when the time is right."
"I hope these are under warranty." Dustin mumbles, handing Cam his morpher.
"I just feel totally helpless," Tori says, "There must be something we can do."
"For now you must return to your daily lives. If Lothor suspects anything out of the ordinary, it will only give him more power."
"And be careful," Cam warns, "They've already stolen the Tsunami Cycle disk, somehow. Whoever you speak to make sure you trust them."
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Beach~~~~
Tor and I take to the beach, wearing identical bathing suits, only mine is white, silver and blue. We walk past two people, "Hey? What? No hello?" My head starts to throb again, and a reply, I rub the side of my head. Turning to see who spoke, Tor and I see Hunter and Blake. Why is it that whenever I'm around them my head starts to hurt?
"Sorry," Tori apologizes with a smile, "Our minds are somewhere else." I nod in agreement to that statement. Tori, don't forget to add that our minds are on the Thunder Rangers and why they are working with Lothor. Suddenly, from the inside of Tori's blue van, my cell phone starts to ring. Dashing over to the van, I hop into the passenger's seat of the van, I see the caller id says, 'Dad' on it.
Pressing the green button I answer, "Hey Daddy!"
"Hi Haze," My father greets, "Listen, I got Billy here, and he has something interesting to tell you. When can you get here?"
I bite my lip, thinking about my schedule, which is basically free except for getting called to fight monsters, "I'll be there as soon as I can. Gotta go Dad!"
"See you soon!"
"Bye Dad." And with the tap of a button, I hang up and jump out of the car. Quickly, I tell Tori what's going on and head to Storm Chargers, to grab Saba and explain to Kelly what's going on.
~~~~Reefside - Oliver Household~~~~
Ninja streaking from Storm Chargers to our new house, I spot my father and Uncle Billy on the porch of the house talking. "Uncle Billy!" I shout, hugging him.
"Good to see you too, Haze." Uncle Billy laughs, hugging me back. "So your dad told me you need to find the Pink butterfly zord?
"Yea, I do." I agree, detaching a seethe from my side, "I brought Saba too."
"Well, you don't have to look too far, Haze," My uncle announces, "The zord has been under your nose this entire time."
"What do you mean?" I question him, raising an eyebrow.
"The Pink butterfly zord is in Ninja Ops." Uncle Billy explains, and I mentally face palm myself. Why I didn't check the zord bay, I have no idea.
Smiling up at the original blue ranger, "Thanks Uncle Billy. I need to get back to Blue Bay though, for certain reasons." I wink, making them give a low chuckle. Giving my Uncle one last hug, and saying good byes, I ninja streak back to ninja ops.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
I race into the room, causing Cam to jump. "Don't do that!" He sighs, but has a smile on his face. I giggles a little at the genius's actions, causing his eyes to blink a few times.
"Sorry Cam," I start, "Does there happen to be large Pink butterfly in the zord bay?"
"Yeah," Cam looks up from the morphers, "Why?" I give him a look, and he instantly gets the message. "Oh! That's your zord!"
"Bingo, buckaroo." I laugh, setting Saba down on the table. "So how are the morphers coming along?"
"They're coming." Cam sighs, redoing the wiring.
Taking one of the morphers and tweezers, I start to wire the morpher correctly. Cam did a great job on the morphers, and I just have to finish a few wires he forgot. Suddenly, Tori comes running through the entrance, shouting, "Cam, Hazel," We look up from our work to see she's out of breath. "I need some help outside."
"Can't it wait?" Cam asks, trying to fix the morphers , "We've almost got the morphers back online."
"It's an emergency," Tor urges, "It's my friend. He's hurt."
As soon as she finishes, I jump up, looking at her with a shocked expression, "And you brought him here?"
"You ever hear of a hospital?" Cam agrees, getting up as well.
"I know, I know," Tori exclaims, "But he was hurt because of me," Cam glances at me before the blue ranger adds, "Please, come look at him, it was one of Lothor's space freaks. We have to help him." I nod to the genius. Tearing off my civilian clothes, I put on my ninja mask to hide my identity.
"Alright." Cam nods. As a response, the water ninja nods as we follow her outside.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Outside of Ninja Ops~~~~
I make a face of disgust under my mask as Cam detaches the tadpole looking things off of Blake's chest. "What are those things?" I ask, my voice dripping with discomfort.
While taking off the last thing, Cam answers, "Some kind of cybernetic leech. Looks like they dehydrate the human body until it just shuts down."
Taking Blake's arm, Tori looks at the boy in green, "Did you get them off in time?"
As Cam checks his pulse, he answers, "I think so. This guy must drink a lot of water."
"His name's Blake." Tori corrects Cam.
"I don't care what his name is," Cam counters, "Dad's going to flip when he finds out you've brought him here."
Seeing a hopeful twinkle in Tori's eyes, I contain my laughter for what she is about say, "Well, then, maybe, he shouldn't find out." The water ninja looks at Cam, and a smile appears on her face. Cam looks down, and I now have to use both hands to keep myself from laughing.
With a sigh, Cam concedes, "The morphers are on the console inside. Go get'em, we'll stay here."
"Thanks Cam." Tori thanks, giving Cam a kiss on the cheek.
Looking after the blue ranger as she crosses the water, and into Ninja Ops, Cam huffs, "Men as a species, are doomed."
I nudge his side, "What was your first clue?" The genius shakes his head, and I grin under my mask.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Motocross Track~~~~
Now, I'm at the track with Dustin and Shane, and the moto junkie has just told us about his little run in with Blake and Hunter. "So you're telling me that when you got to the alley, Blake and Hunter were gone?" I ask for clarification.
"Hey man." Dustin clarifies, glancing up.
"What's up with that?" Shane asks, leaning on top of Dustin's bike.
"Ya know what," The first male yellow ranger starts, standing up, "Maybe, they're really like, master illusionists. Like - like that guy on TV, who makes the tanks disappear. Now that would be cool, huh?"
"Hey," A voice from behind says. Looking up, we see Hunter, not in his moto gear for once, "You guys seen Blake?" I shrug my shoulders, and Shane comments behind me, "Geez. Second time he's just disappeared?" I slap his shoulder for being rude.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tori's blue van drive up. "Found him!" I announce, pointing to the van. Hunter smiles a thank you and walks towards the sky blue van. Turning to face my two teammates in crime fighting, "Come, Dustin, let's get you on the track." He nods, and I wheel his bike to the starting line. As soon as the horn blows, he's off. I walk over to Tori, who is outside of her van. Dustin, once finished, rides over to the van.
"I've got your morphers, guys, and I think we are going to need them." Tori says, getting out her blue bag, until Blake and Hunter come out from behind some bikes.
"Hey." Hunter greets, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Hey guys." I greet right back with a wave.
"Hey." Tori squints.
"I just wanted to say thanks for taking care of my bro." Hunter explains.
The blue ranger nods her head, "Anytime."
"We owe you one," Hunter starts, "And we always make good on our promises."
"That is very true." I pipe up.
"Okay. Good to know. Thanks." Tor smiles.
"We gotta get home. Parents, you know." Blake explains, causing my eyes to narrow at the duo. They are definitely up to something now. Their parents have been dead for quite sometime now and they are old enough to live on their own, so why are they using this excuse with me here.
"Ya okay. I'll catch you later."
"See ya." Blake says, and the Bradleys turn around and walk away.
"Later." The rest up us says, looking at each other.
"Here," Tori starts, handing the wind morphers to the rangers, "When you see Cam, say thank you. I think he's feeling a little unappreciated."
"That always happens to the genius." I explain, watching the wind ninjas put their morphers on.
"Dude," Dustin starts, "They told Kelly they didn't live with their parents. Atleast that's what we heard."
"Ya that's right." Shane nods.
"You two are right," I agree, "They don't live with their parents..." I get interrupted by our morphers beeping.
"I located the frog again. He's by the riverbank. Hurry." Cam declares, making us look at each other in confusion.
"Ya know, if Cam wanted a frog," Dustin says, "Well, let's just stop by the pet store. I mean, they've got, like, a tank, like full of them." The moto rider makes a motion that I guess is the tank.
"I'll explain on the way." Tori laughs, stepping in front of the boys and I, "You ready?"
Holding up our right hand, pointer and middle finger straight up, we command.
"Ninja Storm!"
"Season Storm!"
"Ranger Form! HA!"
Spinning the ranger power disk on my left wrist, it creates a flower storm around me. With my arms held out in a "t" position, my ninja uniform breaks revealing a pink spandex suit with white , light pink and magenta highlights on it. White spandex like leggings cover my legs, and at the top is a short pink skirt. In the center of my chest is a Flower butterfly wing in white. Looking up to the sky, a pink helmet, much like Dustin's, has a Flower butterfly head with it's wings open, and above my visor is a small, silver flower Butterfly's head. My visor snapping shut, the flowerstorm around me disappears, showing me on an green valley with flowers everywhere while it's falling lills around me. I strike a pose, with my left hand on my hip and my right hand's pointer and middle finger over my heart. Finally, my right leg points out at an angle with my toes pointed, but both my legs stay straight.
"Wind Ranger Power!"
"Power of Nature!"
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Riverbank~~~~
Ninja streaking to the riverbank, we land in a kneeling position, before standing up and putting out hands on our weapons that are attached to our backs. The frog thing fires purple lasers at us, bringing us together and locking us into chains. "I can't move!" Tori groans.
"None of us can!" I announce as we struggle to break free.
"Going up." The monster cackles, "To the next floor with house wear and sporting goods!" We get lifted up from the ground, so as a reply we scream for him to put us down. He throws us to the side, "Hope you can swim!"
"AHHH!" We yell, getting thrown into the river.
"I knew they'd make a splash!" The frog declares, but we but everything in reverse.
"Put it on rewind." Shane announces, doing a back-flip out of the water.
"I'm flipping out." Tor exclaims.
"Lucky this is wash and wear!" Dustin explains.
"Backing up!" I shout, and we follow Shane's lead.
"Okay guys," Shane orders, "Ninja beams!" We swipe over our ranger disks, causing the minion to disappear.
"Where did he go?" I ask, looking around for the monster.
"You guys know the 'HipHop'?" The frog asks from behind. By the time we turn around, the thing swipes us across the chests, causing us to spark. Spinning around to face us, he opens his mouth, "Polytrons!" Three attach to my belt, and they cause our suits to smoke and spark, and fall to the ground, landing on our chests.
Eventually, we are able to stand, Ninja Swords and Nature Staff in hand, but we struggle to stay on our feet. "This guy sucks!" Shane declares. Suddenly, Thunder is heard from above, and crimson and navy thunder strikes the ground, emitting smoke. Once the smoke clears, the bugs are shown, standing with their arms crossed.
"What?" I mutter, glaring at the evil rangers. "As if fighting a giant frog wasn't bad enough."
"Thunder Staffs!" As fast as lightning, their hands are on their staffs, and with a flick of the wrist, their staffs are twice the size. They point the sticks at us and I put my staff in front of me. The two evil rangers let out a battle cry, sprinting towards us.
"They want to play that way, then let's play," I mumble, opening up my compartment on my belt. "I call upon the subelement of Earth! Vines!" Slipping a gray disk into the bottom of my staff, the staff changes shape into a crystal drill. "Flower Staff!" Pointing it at the Thunders, I get ready to attack, however, the two of them run right past us, hitting the monster instead. "Huh?" I raise an eyebrow as I watch the two evil rangers slash at the monster.
"I thought we were on the same team!" The frog screeches, getting thrown into the air by Crimson and Navy. "I guess not. Polytrons!" The tadpole things are thrown at the two rangers. But the tadpoles are reflected by the 'Thunder Shields', and the little leeches get thrown back to the monster. "My Precious!" And the leeches explode, flipping the monster into the air.
"Thunder Staffs! Tornado Star!" Crimson and Navy announce in unison, attaching two of their staffs together. Spinning the stars around their bodies, the stars get thrown, getting a direct hit on the monster.
"Woah." Shane breathes, taking a step forward.
"Crimson Blaster!"
"Navy Antlers!"
"Thunder Weapons!"
"You ready?" Crimson asks his partner.
"You know it!" Navy responds, running forwards and using the antlers to hoist the frog into the air and throwing it.
"Wow!" Tori comments, making me roll my eyes. The frog says something that I don't catch. Crimson fires his blaster.
"Dude!" Dustin exclaims.
"Let's put'em together!" The two darker colored rangers declare. "Thunder Blaster!" Navy is under the blaster, while Crimson is at the trigger.
"Ready when you are." Navy announces from under the blaster.
"Ready..." Crimson strains.
"I'm too young to croak!!!" The frog shrills, fumbling around.
"FIRE!!!" Crimson announces, pulling the trigger and takes out the monster with a large explosion. We run forwards, confused by the most recent event.
"Wait!" Shane shouts, "What's up with these guys?"
"Who knows." I mumble, narrowing my eyes at them.
"Why did you just help us?" Tori asks, but is ignored.
"Hello?" Dustin calls with a wave. "Anyone in there!"
Crimson glances at us ever so slightly, speaking, "Now we're even... Wind and Nature rangers." My eyes narrow, before widening, and everything clicks. Blake and Hunter disappearing, the two of them even coming to Blue Bay, Blake taking the Tsunami Cycle disk, the Thunder rangers having Tsunami Cycles. My two childhood friends betrayed me and my academy, and the entire ninja schools.
Rage boils up inside, before I scream, "GET BACK HERE YOU TWO!" I ninja streak, tackling them both to the ground from behind. I can tell my teammates are shocked at me, but I really don't care right now. "YOU DESTROYED MY ACADEMY! BETRAYED ALL OF THE NINJA SCHOOLS!" I feel arms wrap around me, struggling to get me off of the two Thunder Rangers. I try and squirm out of their grip, but my efforts are not rewarded. I feel tears well up in my eyes, not sad or joyful tears, but rage filled tears mixed with betrayal. I gaze at Blake and Hunter as they streak away.
"Why did you do that, Haze?" Shane asks, my fists clench, and I can feel my nails in the palm of my hand.
"I know who the Thunder Rangers are... They're...." I get interrupted by the frog monster growing zord size.
"I'm back rangers!" The monster cackles.
"Let's toast this toad once and for all!" Shane orders, getting 'Yeah's from the rest of us. Putting the morpher in front of his face mask, "Yeah, Cam, Guess what we need."
"Don't tell me." Cam answers, letting all of the zords loose. "Haze, I can't seem to send the Pink butterfly zord to you."
"That's because only My flower staff  can call him to battle." I laugh, grabbing the staff , "You ready to get back in action, Flo?"
"Of course I am." The staff speaks, and raise it into the air, just as the Wind Megazord is formed. "Pink Butterfly zord! Your assistance is needed!" A roar comes from behind the toad monster, and the next thing we know is that the Pink Butterfly has knocked down the monster.
"Now that's a good pinky!" I declare, jumping into my new zord. I sheath Flo into the gear shift. "Now let's rock and roar! Pink butterfly zord! Warrior Mode!" The butterfly zord transforms into a smaller megazord, earning a gasp from the Wind rangers.
"Wow." Tori breaths from the sight of my zord.
"So that's a zord from the very first team?" Shane asks, just to clarify.
"Yes, it is." I laugh, dodging an attack from the toad.
"Polytrons!" The monster announces, sending weird leeches at us. I use the zord's sword to slash away the tadpoles, but the others are so lucky.
"We're getting schooled!" Shane cries.
"Cam," Tori asks, "anything you can send our way?"
"Uh... Try the Ram Hammer!"
"You get the hammer," I compromise, "I'll keep toadstool over here busy."
"Be careful, Haze!" The water ninja calls.
"What do you guys think?" Shane gets back on topic of the Ram Hammer.
"Yeah!" Dustin agrees, and Cam uploads the hammer to the Wind Megazord, where Dustin picks it up. "Power disk received. Let's lock and drop!"
I get knocked to the side, and land with a thud. The attention is then taken off of me and put back to the Wind Megazord. "You just had to go there, didn't ya?" The toad asks, turning fully to the primary's megazord.
"Bring it on, frog face!" Shane orders, charging at the monster with the Ram Hammer. The monster releases some Polytrons at the incoming zord, that they are blocked with the hammer. The tadpoles get sent back, exploding on contact with the frog.
"Is he down?" I ask, getting my megazord back to its feet.
"Just resting," The frog thing groans, getting back to his feet. "What else you got?" I bring my zord behind theirs.
"HAMMER!" Dustin announces, bringing the hammer down and destroying the monster for good. "Alright!"
"That was awesome!"
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
We are making our way into Ninja Ops, talking about how Blake and Hunter lied to Tori.
"Yeah," Dustin concludes, "that's what they told Kelly. No parents."
"Blake and Hunter lied to me?" Tori asks in disbelief, "Why?"
"I know who the Thunders are." I pipe up from under my mask, "They are..." From out of nowhere, the two Thunder Rangers, come out with Cam's hands being held behind their backs. We get into our fighting stances, glaring at the two evil rangers.
"What are you doing here?" Shane growls, glaring right through the two. Out of nowhere, Crimson and Navy's morphs break, showing Blake and Hunter in their ninja uniforms. When relax our fighting stances, but I'm on my toes for anything.
"So, what do you want?" Dustin interrogates, "How did you get in here?"
"Ask her." Hunter nods towards Tor, who looks at Blake, sadness evident in her eyes.
"Blake?" Tori asks, looking at her crush, her heart breaking into a million pieces.
"I'm sorry," Blake apologizes, but his face shows no evidence of remorse, "but we had to find the Ninja Ops. I didn't mean to use you."
I scoff, "But that didn't stop you from doing it, Bradley." I snarl his last name, turning my attention to Cam.
"If you hurt him, we'll hunt you down." The water ninja and I warn.
"Leave him," Hunter orders, pushing Cam towards us, I rush over to him, helping him to his feet, "We've got what we wanted." Shane pushes Cam behind him, and I stand in front of them. "Good-bye rangers and good luck in your future battles." Just as I was about to turn, I hand grabs my wrist, pulling me backwards.
"Hazel !" My teammates shout, as I try to twist my wrist out of the hand that is holding me. I feel pressure on the side of my neck. My breath hitches as my eyes close and everything goes black.
Third Person POV:
Hazel falls into the arms of the Crimson ranger. Knocked out cold. Blake and Hunter point their fingers to the ground, disappearing in a cloud of dust and sparks. Taking the pink ranger with them. "Everyone alright?" The blue wind ninja asks, looking at her friends.
"What did they want here and with Hazel?" Shane questions, as Cam runs over to his father's habitat.
Removing his glasses, Cam answers while standing up, "My father. They took my father." The rangers look at each other and the genius with surprise, dread, and in Tori's case, guilt.

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