Eye of the storm

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Hazel's POV:

We were all gathered around after the others had had Tsunami cycle training. It hadn't gone well. Within twenty minutes of the training starting Shane Dustin and Tori had managed to nearly completely demolish their bikes by crashing them. I helped Cam get the wind rangers bikes into the back of the mobile command centre and now only the thunders and Yasmine had their bikes out now.

''Cam says our bikes wont be ready for a whole week.'' Dustin told Shane and Tori groaning at the thought.

"Well," Shane said, walking forwards and reaching the Thunder's bikes "I guess we'll just have to practice with these two" and he patted Hunter's bike as Tori made her way towards Blake's

"Im game," the blue ranger agreed.

''Guys that is definitely not a good idea,'' I pointed out glancing at where there own bikes were stored away, ''You crashed your own bike what makes you think that you can ride theirs.'' I pointed at the thunder bikes which were a lot different to the ones that the wind rangers ride.

"Come on Tori," Shane said and I kept sending her warning glances but she did not listen to me at all.

Tori nodded "Right with ya." Oh boy.

"Oh I can't watch this," Dustin said "its gonna be ugly!" I nodded my head at him and so did Yasmine.

The blue and red rangers kick started the Thunder's bikes, and opened the throttle's; but they didn't get very far and only seemed to succeed in going around in circles.

"Careful!" Hunter said, watching the destruction.

Blake gasped "Their too powerful!"

The Thunder cycles crashed to the ground and Shane and Tori rolled off them. The engines died upon impact with the ground. Shane and Tori quickly got to their feet and bowed sheepishly "Sorry guys," they apologized. I got up from the ground where I had been watching the whole scene why Hunter and Blake put their bikes away. We put them in the mobile command centre.

"Well, that was productive" Hunter said, crossing his arms over his chest. Yasmine and I tried not to giggle.

Tori turned to him quickly "Come on Shane, we can't let these guys show us up" she said turning to her friend.

The red ranger stopped and turned to the blonde "Oh, sorry Tor," he apologized "I can't really focus right now."

"You're brother's visit is really messing with you, huh?" Blake asked, appearing beside the red ranger. I frowned. Shane had told me about our brother porter. Was he really that bad?

"Yeah," Shane answered "Look, I gotta go; I gotta meet him at the Skate park and he'll freak if Im late."

"Just be cool Shane," Blake called after him "you aint seen him in a while, maybe he's changed."
" Tell him I said hi," I called out.

*Seasonstorm rangerform*

I had just arrived at storm charges ad started to work when my morpher beeped. I ran out of the store with the other rangers to stop the new monster. The thunders me Yasmine, Tori and Dustin arrived downtown. We noticed that people were running around screaming.

Tori frowned as she looked around "What's the deal?" she asked.

"Call off the dogs," one man yelled. coming to a stop between Tori and Yasmine . They backed up against Dustin and Hunter to avoid being bowled over "the dogs!" he cried before taking off once more.

"Do you see any dogs?" Dustin asked looking confused.

Blake stepped forward "Only that dog faced freak!" he said, pointing at Motodrone and a new type of monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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