Sensei switcharoo

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"Hazel's POV:

"Hey guys! I want you to meet my dad!" Dustin said excited as he entered storm charges with a man older than him. "This is Hunter, Blake, Yasmine and my girlfriend Hazel.'' "Hey, I'm Jake" Dustin's dad smiled "Dustin's told me everything about you guys" we all frowned at him worried. he chuckled a little "Not everything" he whispered to and as Kelly Dustin pulled her into the conversation "And this is my boss, Kell!" she smiled gently at the man. "Nice to meet you," Kelly said "can I help you with something?" "We just stopped by to pick up some new gloves," Dustin laughed "dad thrashed his last pair" i laughed but tried to imagine my dad on a motorbike. yeah that wouldn't be pretty. "You guys ride together? Oh, that is so cool" Hunter smiled.

the guy smiled at all of us as cam appeared. "I taught him everything he knows!" he laughed and Dustin joined in. "That is true," Dustin said, the two then walked off together towards the Motocross gloves. "A guy and his dad," Hunter said, watching them looking a little jealous. '' i miss that.'' Blake nodded his head agreeing with his brother. i looked at them sympathetic. '' i do when he's not around. like today.'' and they nodded. Cam shook his head "So do I," he inputted. we all frowned at him confused. "What do you mean?" Hunter asked "at least you're dad's still around." "For some reason, high-fiving a guinea pig isn't the same..." Cam sighed "I'll see you back at Ops," he added, before walking away.

*seasonstorm rangerform*

"I've adjusted the energy in my morpher to reconstruct the matter of the atomic level," Cam said as he pulled out a machine in Ninja Ops; and i looked at him in confusion not understanding a word he said. ''what was that in English.'' i asked laughing. The Samurai smiled "It will, in theory, make my father human again." i looked at him again. ''well why didn't you say that. "Are you sure you want to do this Sensei?" mickaela asked. "I'm ready," Sensei said. Cam nodded "Here goes," and he tapped at the keyboard in front of him and pushed a button to activate the machine, which made a weird noise. '' that cannot be good.'' i pointed out to the others. "I think the energy might be too intense," Cam said "Shane, pull the main interface cables!" and as he did as cam said everything went black. "Everyone okay?" Cam asked in the darkness. "Something feels different," Shane said "I can feel it in my...whiskers?" i looked around to see sensei talking but it was with Shanes voice.

"Dad?" Cam asked the guinea pig. "Dude, who are you calling dad?" ''oh no there's something not right and i looked around for Shane. to see him starting to get up from the floor. he stood with the stance of a sensei. "I am here, Cam." Shane said with sensei's voice. "No way!" Tori held back a laugh. as me and Yasmine tried not to laugh out of respect to our sensei and Shane cam spoke up. "I think we have a problem," Cam said. i hid a giggle behind my hand and said. "So, Shane is in Sensei's body...and Sensei is in Shane's?" and everyone nodded. "That would appear to be the case," Sensei said. Suddenly an explosion sounded from the super computer, causing it to short circuit. Cam frowned "and if that wasn't bad enough, the force of the elemental pulse has shorted all of Ninja Ops" he said "You know you're kind of cute when you wrinkle your nose like that!" Tori laughed, as she turned to Shane and i smirked trying to not laugh again.

"This isn't funny Tor;" Shane groaned "I can't be a guinea pig today! I have a skate demo!" i forgot about that poor Shane. "Not to mention what we'll do if Lothor attacks," Cam added "We're on back-up power as it is!" "We can't let anyone know about our dilemma," Sensei said "I will uphold your skating demo" i frowned at him not knowing how to tell him this. "No offence Sensei, you may look like Shane, but skate like Shane, no way" i said, as tori and Yasmine nodded in agreement. Sensei smiled "You must not underestimate the power of a Ninja master" he told the two girls "Cam, stay here and correct the situation. Tori, take me to the skate park, please" "What am I supposed to do?" Shane asked "Im starving!" me and Yasmine looked for something for him to eat. haha. ''here.'' Yasmine said and i got up and left but not before hearing her continue." try some of this.'' and she passed him some Guinea pig food and we left.

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