Return of thunder p2

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~~~~???? - Beach~~~~
"Hazel?"she ask
"What happened" I ask
"I saw you guys fighting and I was gonna help but then a purple beam came brought me here" she says
Well come on and meet the others" I said. She nodded and we left.
Running down the beach, I spot three people in civilian clothing, "TORI! LILY! DUSTIN!" I run up and hug them tightly.
"Man, I feel like I just got run over by a full gate of 250s." The yellow ranger groans.
"Me too." Tori agrees, adding, "Whatever that means."
"I feel as if I just got run over by a 100 rhino spirits." Lily mutters, readjusting her mask.
Then they spot yasmine and say "who are you"
"This is yasmine she went to the seasonal academy but I thought she was taken by Lothor guess not we"ll explain later."
They all nod and I start to look for Shane but can't find him.
"Hey?" I start, "Where's Shane?"
"Right here!" A voice calls from the rocks. Shane carefully climbs down the rocks. "I hiked up a hill. To check things out. We're on an island."
"An island?" Lily asks for clarification.
"Yea," Shane confirms, "There is no other land or people around as far as I could see."
As Dustin try to contact Ninja Ops, I stop them, "Don't even try. I couldn't get through."
"Last thing I remembered," Dustin exclaims, "we were playing battle zords with Blake and Hunter."
"Please don't remind me." I growl, glaring at the sand below me.
"There's an explanation." Tori speaks, trying to reason.
"Think everything is pretty clear." Shane says, in his commanding voice.
"What does that mean?"
"We've known these guys, for what?" Shane asks rhetorically, "a month? And how much of that time had been them not trying to take us out?"
"You didn't see Blake the other day." Tori counters. "Something must have happened to Blake and Hunter when they were on Lothor's ship."
"I'm sorry Tor, I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. But, at this point, they've lost all my trust." I agree with Shane.
"When you're ready to get real, come and talk to me alright." Shane finishes, before turning and walking down the beach. "I've gotta find a way out of here."
"We could always trade him for a new ranger," Lily suggests, making me laugh, "maybe a green one."
"I wish, Lils." I giggle.
"Wait a minute!" Tori call, and we have to jog to catch up to the red ranger. "Alright, I admit this is brutal, but you have to allow for the possibility that there's some logical reason for all of this."
"I see what you're saying, Tori, but ---" I get interrupted by ninja streaks of Navy and Crimson.
"You guys saw that right?" Dustin points, squinting his eyes.
"I did." Yasmine confirms.
"Over there!" Shane points, and we run to a small forest clearing. We jump and flip over logs and tree stumps, trying to keep up with the navy and crimson blurs. "Come on!"
"Hold on," I slow down, catching my breath, "It came this way."
"I saw it." Shane confirms. I turn forward, and get into a fighting stance upon seeing the two evil rangers standing there.
"Good eye, Shane." Blake compliments.
"You ever wonder," Hunter imagines, "If two thunder ninjas got into a fight with three wind ninjas, two season ninja, and a ninja student, who would win?"
"No one," The season ninja reasons, "The only way we'd win is to work together."
"Which I thought we were doing." Dustin admits.
"That's if you would even want to work with them." I growl lowly.
"Guess you were wrong." The navy ranger glares.
"I swear these guys are bipolar." I comment, getting a laugh from Lily.
"Tell you what, we'll give you a 10 second head start if you want to run." Hunter says coldly.
"As if." Yasmine and Lily scoff, rolling their eyes in unison.
"Sorry, Tor," Shane apologizes. "Whatever's up with these guys. We're not going to fix it by letting them stomp us."
"I have no intention of letting them stomp us." Tori gives in. Lily nods, a determined look across her face. We start to glare each other down. Grabbing a hold of our civilian clothes, we tear them off, revealing our ninja uniforms, and Lily in her Pai Zhuq pjs.
"We don't want to fight you." Dustin announces, the six of us slowly inching forward.
"But you give us no choice." Shane adds.
"Enough talk." Hunter orders.
I smirk, "I couldn't agree more." We charge at each other, breaking off into two groups. Shane, Yasmine, and I are fighting Hunter, while Tori, Dustin, and Lily fight Blake.
Shane and I aim a kick for Hunter's chest, only for it to be blocked. Hunter swiftly mirrors what Shane did, but is then blocked by us. The air ninja tries to punch the thunder ninja in the chest, but Hunter ducks, attempting to punch Shane. Shane, however, steps off to the side, before sending rapid punches towards the crimson ranger. Yasmine and I perform a flying kick, aimed at Hunter's back, but he ducks. To counteract the duck, we do a front flip landing perfectly on our feet. When Hunter aims a kick at Shane's head, the red ranger does a back-bend into a flip. I run up behind Hunter, swiping under his feet. It isn't very effective, seeing that it threw the blonde off balance, and taking Shane down with him. Shane flips in the air, throwing a punch, that Hunter reflects, putting the same amount of force, throwing us back.
Hunter kicks again, this time effectively throwing Shane back into a tree, and next into the air. "Not this time!" Grabbing the crimson ranger's uniform, he flips them both over. Hunter, however, is quicker to get up, knocking Shane to the ground. Shane doesn't get up or move, so Hunter goes for a final kick, but Yasmine steps in a block it with the side of her arm.
"Now you get to deal with me." She growls.
~~~~With Tori, Lily, Dustin, and Blake~~~~
Third Person POV:
All four of the good guys try to punch Blake at the same time. However, all are blocked, and Blake twists their arms, locking them into place. The boy in navy spins around, kicking at Lily and Tori, who on instinct step back. Spinning again, Blake puts Dustin in an awkward position. "Stop it!" Lily shouts, charging, trying to send a high kick at Blake, who catches it, throwing the yellow ranger to the ground and Pai Zhuq student into the blue ranger. Blake jumps in the air, attempting to kick Dustin, who rolls out of the way. Lily jumps up, doing rapid punches. All are blocked.
The four good guys start to do rapid movements, eventually resulting in everyone, but Blake, getting a bruised wrist. "Come on, man!"
~~~~With Yasmine and Hunter~~~~
Yasmine POV:
"You know," I start, Hunter and I circling each other, "I've become better since we last fought."
"Oh really?" Hunter scoffs, making me growl.
"Let me show you." I swipe underneath Hunter, who jumps to evade being hit. However, I punch my arm forward into his chest, making him lose his breath. When he gets up, I pop up right in front of him, and he punches. I duck behind him, tapping his shoulder. Whirling around, he punches instantly. I move out of the way, and his punch connects into a tree. The Crimson ranger yelps with pain, recoiling his now injured hand. "You know," I start, grabbing the hand he just injured, and twisting it behind his back. "you only fight with brawn, not brains. You favor punches, not strategy. You've gotta learn to be more flexible."
"More flexible?" Hunter smirks.
"And tactical." I concede, grinning.
"Okay." Hunter answers, kicking my feet out from under me. I squeak in surprise. Getting behind him, I'm about to punch when he pushes me against the tree. I give him a confused look with my eyes, but they widen as soon as I feel something on my neck. My breath hitches as the boy under me sucks on my neck. Next thing I know, I'm flying through the air, and hit a tree, hard.
I shake my head, looking up to see the boy smirking. "You are so dead! In fact, you're BEYOND DEAD!" I yell, at him, as Shane, Hazel, and I circle the idiot.
"You'll have to catch me first!" He shouts, ninja streaking away.
"Get back here!" I yell, streaking after him.
~~~~???? - Beach~~~~
As soon as we land on the sand, we start fighting again. I glare at Hunter. If looks could kill people, Hunter would've been long gone by now. "Having fun yet?" Shane asks sarcastically.
"No," Hunter responds, standing a little straighter, "But there's always this."
"Thunder Storm! Ranger Form!"
"Power of Thunder!"
"Like we didn't see that one coming." Lily scoffs.
Holding up our right hand, pointer and middle finger straight up, we command.
"Ninja Storm!"
"Season Storm!"
"Ranger Form! HA!"
Spinning the ranger power disk on my left wrist, it creates a leaves storm around me. With my arms held out in a "t" position, my ninja uniform breaks revealing a black spandex suit with grey, electric purple and black highlights on it. Black spandex like leggings cover my legs, and at the top is a short purple skirt. In the center of my chest is a Season Sea Lion paw print in black. Looking up to the sky, a purple helmet, much like Dustin's, has a Season Sea Lion head with it's mouth open, baring teeth and above my visor is a small, golden Sea Lion's head. My visor snapping shut, the leaves storm around me disappears, showing me on an open field of grass while it's falling purple leaves around me. I strike a pose, with my right hand in front of my face and my left hand is in front of my face. Finally, both my legs bend in a pose.
"Power of..."
"Nature!" We stand now fully morphed. "Lils, get to a safe place, this could get messy."
"Oh, it's on now!" Blake announces, my hand gripping my Sun katana very hard.
"We're threw taking it easy on you!" Hunter agrees.
"That was you taking it easy?" Lily and Hazel shout.
"You're right, Shane. They're not going to listen to reason." Tori finally concede.
"If it's them or us. I choose us." Dustin agrees.
"They are in for a world of hurt." I growl, my eyes narrowing.
"Thank you!" Shane exclaims, "Finally someone's listening to me."
"Ninja Swords!"
"I call upon the element of Nature! Nature's Whip!" We jump into battle, Shane and I clashing with Hunter as Tori and Dustin clash with Blake. After Hunter slashes Shane in the chest, I swing my whip at him, slapping him and making him spark for once.
"Hawk Blaster!"
"My blaster's bigger than your's." Hunter announces, firing at Shane and I who is on a ledge. I grab a pale yellow disk this time, "Are you compensating for something, Bradley? I call upon the element of Light! Light Shield!" I try to block the shots, but they land behind us, making us fly off the ledge.
"Shut up!" Hunter demands, firing at the Season Ninja.
"I guess I'm right." I laugh, dodging the attack.
~~~~With Tori, Hazel, Dustin and Blake~~~~
Hazel POV:
Tori and Dustin attempt to slash Blake. The navy ranger ducks, slashing them in the chests again. "Ninja Beams!" Dustin calls, and as he flicks his morpher, yellow beams fly off of it. Blake deflects each, even sending one into Tori. "Tori!"
"I'm okay."
"Your aim is lame Dustin, but I'm not shocked are you?" Blake comments, using the antlers on his helmet to electrify the poor yellow ranger. Blake uses the lightning to pick up the yellow ranger, throwing him around in circles before letting him go, landing Dustin in the water.
We tried to get to Shane and Yaz only to be blasted with Hunter's blaster, throwing us back.
"You've got to stop this." Shane urges, trying to stand up.
"Say goodbye rangers." Hunter smirks, making me growl at him.
"Okay, look." Shane stands, "You obviously have some serious emotional problems with us. You ever consider group therapy?"
"You really think that they'd live through a therapy session with me in the room?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Good point." Yasmine pipes up.
"This is getting really old." Tor comments.
"Hey, I love dirt as much as the next guy." Dustin stands up.
"Too bad it doesn't show in your riding, Dustin." Blake taunts.
"You did not just bag on my riding!" Dustin yells, charging forward to take on the navy ranger. Blake blocks all of Dustin's attacks, and uses his antlers to push the moto junky to the ground.
"Wait, isn't Dustin our friend?" Hunter mutters, making me roll my eyes. "Blake this is wrong."
"What are you talking about, Hunter?" The younger Bradley asks, glancing back at his older adopted brother.
"Ninja Beams!" The rest of us declare, sending streaks of light at the Thunder idiots.
"Season Storm Striker!"
"Ready? FIRE!" Shane pulls the trigger, letting the blast catch the two Bradleys. I almost feel bad for them. Almost. The blast sends them flying, which is so satisfying to see. "I call upon the power of the Moon! Lunar Scythe!" We flip forward, bringing our swords/scythe down on them.
"Now stay down!" I order, my scythe still pointed at them.
"Can we get outta here?" Lily asks, running down a nearby hill.
"Good idea." Shane speaks. "I'm soo over this."
The Thunders groan, using their staffs to help them up. "Careful guys." I warn, opening up my visor, along with the others. The white mask still on my face and my scythe ready and in hand.
"Oh my head." Blake groans.
"Huh?" Hunter's head snaps up, "Where are we?" We cautiously move forward. Standing up, "Are you alright?" Blake nods, and they turn towards us. "What are you guys doing here?"
I notice Yasmine's eyes twitches, "So neither of you remember ANYTHING of what happened?" They nod, saying they didn't remember anything. This sets her off. "I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU AND RING YOUR NECK, BRADLEY!" She lunges towards the crimson ranger, but get held back by all of us and we are struggling to keep her back.
"You guys okay?" Shane asks, ignoring her.
"What happened?" Hunter glances at her. "What did we do?"
"You kissed her neck." Lily huffs, still holding her back.
"I-I what?" Crimson stutters.
"You kissed her neck to surprise her, then took a cheap shot to Yasmine 's gut, which sent her flying into a tree." Lily explains further. Hunter nods, and slowly backs away from her.
"HEY!" Choobo calls from the cliff above them, "You down there! In the bug suits."
"He'd better not be talking about us." Hunter glares as we close our visors.
"Who else would he be talking to? You two are the only ones in the bug suits." I state, getting a glare from the two of them.
"I worked too hard for you two to mess it up!" He yells,. Behind us, there is an explosion, the snail that we originally destroyed in Blue Bay appears out of the smoke.
"OH COME ON!" Lily and I shout out of annoyance.
"You can't keep a good snail down." Super Toxipod cackles. "Did you miss me?"
"Did you just take this guy down?" Yasmine asks, staring at us.
"Watch out!" Shane calls as the monster fires a blast at us, "I thought we already fought this guy."
"He smells worse." Lily complains, trying to fan the smell away from her helmet.
"Ah, now what do you want?" Dustin groans.
"Want?" The snail questions, "I want to sink this island with you on it. I want to cause an atmospheric reaction to drop the Earth's temperature to 100 degrees below 0. I want pay back." The snail hits us with a beam, knocking us to the ground, just as Kelzacks appear and attack us.
"Oh, man."
"How did they get here?"
"Maybe they got a group rate."
"Why do they look like that?"
"Where's Uncle Andros when you need him?" I mumble, getting out another power disk, "I summon the power of Spirits!" My staff breaks off into two pieces, changing into the shape of a fan, "Spirit Fans!" I start to strike the minion things in the chest in a top like motion.
"Here's the real deal," Choobo suddenly speaks up, "You can't trust your brother anymore. That pretty blue ranger convinced your brother to join up with them." Now this alien is talking crazy.
"What are you babbling about?" Blake asks, "I'd never turn on my brother. You're the one with the evil plans."
"Tell him the truth," Choobo orders, "he deserves to know you betrayed him and your poor lost parents."
"Hunter," Blake turns, "don't listen to him. It's all a bunch of lies. You're trying to destroy us."
"My own brother..." Hunter trails off, glancing at the younger Bradley. The crimson ranger curls up his fist and swings the staff, striking his brother.
"What's the matter with you?" Blake asks, "Have you lost your ninja mind?"
"You don't deserve to call yourself a Thunder Ninja! You TRAITOR!"
"Don't you remember anything that's happened?" Blake wonders, hold his brother's staff underneath his arm.
"I remember you sold me out to those Wind and Season Weasels." The crimson ranger snarls, hitting his brother multiple times.
"Woah, now they're fighting each other." Shane announces.
"That's crazy." Tori says.
"Dude," Dustin exclaims, wrestling the snail. "Why do you have to be so crabby?"
"Dustin!" Lily calls, taking out the last of her Kelzacks, "Are you okay?"
Steam bows up from the rocks behind us, "What's that?!" I ask in caution, bringing my fans in a defensive position.
"Toxic steam!" Super Toxipod cheers, "The island is sinking fast. Soon the Earth will be one giant snowcone! And you can't do a thing about it!"
"Wanna bet?" Yasmine and Lilly ask, getting into a fighting position. I push a Kelzack into a peephole of toxic steam, and it goes nuts. The minion starts to attack the other Kelzacks, completely annihilating them.
"Weird." Dustin breathes.
"Now what?" Shane and I demand.
"I get it." Tori muses, "he's fighting because of the steam!"
Yasmine POV:
"Like I said, weird." Dustin continues. Choobo yells something, but I block him out. He can get annoying sometimes.
Hunter pushes Blake to the ground, I can't take it anymore so I shout, "Hunter! That's your brother!"
"You brought this on yourself, Blake." Hunter growls.
"You're not thinking straight!" I yell, getting confused looks from the others. Yes, I know. I hate them, but I can't let Hunter do something he'll regret later.
"Yeah, you got zapped with that beam remember?" Blake tries to remind his brother.
"More lies! Don't listen to him!" Choobo commands.
"But... I...." The crimson ranger struggles.
"Look into your heart, Thunderhead!" I shout, dodging an attack from the monster.
"You know the truth." Blake agrees.
Suddenly, steam comes from one of the rocks, hitting the stubborn ninja square in the face. Blake rolls out of the way, but Hunter doesn't make it. "Get out of there!" Hunter starts to scream in agony, and it hurts to watch.
"What's happening to me?!" Hunter demands, getting booger looking green stuff on his helmet.
"Oh no." I whisper. "This just got from bad to worse!"
"Right in the face!" Dustin comments. The steam stops, and Hunter holds his head in pain.
"This is the end, Blake!" Hunter snarls.
"Oh no you don't! I call upon the element of Light! Light Shield!" I command, jumping in front of Blake just in time. Tori, Lily, and Dustin run up to the confused teen, holding him back. Tori and Hazel then try to pin him down
"Don't hurt him!" The navy ranger pleads.
"We're not trying to hurt him!" I explain to the younger sibling, "They're trying to hold." Hunter shakes them off, slashing them in the chest.
"Stop it, Hunter! This isn't you!" I try to reason, as he strikes my shield. Tori, Lily, Hazel, and Dustin take Hunter's attention off of me so I can change my weapon. "I call upon the element of Lightning! Lightning Chucks!" A set of nunchucks rest in my palm, and I see my friends getting pretty beaten up.
"Come on," Blake wrestles his brother, "You're stronger than this." However, his efforts to revert his brother don't have any affect. He just gets thrown across the clearing.
"Get off him!" I yell, pushing him to the side, hitting the monstrous teen with my Lightning Chucks.
"This has gone on long enough! Ninja Smoke Screen!" We disappear in a smoke of colors.
~~~~???? - Cave~~~~
We end up close to a cave that we can use for shelter, and we have to carry Blake there. He may be small, but he weighs a lot. "Right here, guys." I usher, setting the navy thunder ranger down on the wet sand.
Tori kneels down, trying to shake the unconscious thunder ninja awake. "Blake, wake up. Please wake up." Tori looks as if she's about to cry. Electricity starts to spark around Blake's morph. "What's happening to him?!"
"Tori, don't worry." I sooth, "He's only demorphing." The morph breaks, showing an unconscious Bradley. We start to shake the younger Bradley and he wakes up with a start. "It's okay, Blake. You're alright." He stands up, looking out over the ocean on a cliff. We walk out and I put a hand on his shoulder, sort of startling him. "Whatcha thinkin' about?"
"Hunter's the only family I have." Blake explains, "He's always been there for me and now he needs my help." He gives us a pleading look, "For the first time in our lives, he needs me. I'm not gonna let him down."
"We'll do whatever we can." Tori answers first.
"Even though I might not be on the best terms with you or your brother," I nod, "I want to help. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened that I had the chance to prevent it."
"Shane, Yasmine ," Blake addresses us, "That wasn't us back there."
"We know." Shane confirms, and I give him the best smile that I can under the mask.
"We should have known." I start, giving him a brotherly, sisterly hug.
"We're there for you, bro." Shane finishes.
"Fully." Dustin clarifies. As if I was supposed to, I hear Hunter's shouts across the island. And he is not happy.
To be continued...................................
Hi so to clarify Yasmine is like hazel she is a summer master and her parents are Jason and trini so they are sorta like cousins so yeah I'll update more later. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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