Samurai journey p1

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Third POV:
"No way, dude," said Hunter, shaking his head and looking around at Shane and Dustin. "There's no way he does it!"

"I dunno, dude, he is pretty strong for a little guy," Dustin shrugged.

Shane hissed at the two.

"Quiet, have a little respect for the master," he told them.

"Watch closely Rangers," Sensei told them, leaping into the air and smashing he brick with his tiny paw.

The Rangers laughed in amusement and astonishment.

"You were saying?" Tori asked, smirking at Hunter.

"I stand corrected," Hunter said, looking around at the others. "But how?"

Tori opened her mouth to answer, but Hazel touched her shoulder and turned to Lily. "Lils, do you know the answer?"

"Uh..." Lily hesitated, glancing around at the others and cursing her friend for putting her on the spot. "Uh... I'm not sure if i'm right, but something inside is telling me that the power comes not from the body, but from the mind." she answered.

Hazel smiled and nodded.

"Well done, lil," she said, hugging her friend with one arm.

"Thanks," Lily muttered, looking down the line at Hunter, who had volunteered to try next. "This should be interesting!"

"You sure you want to go there, bro?" Blake asked.

"Hey, if he can do it, I, eh... can give it a shot," Hunter said, hesitating slightly. Shane smirked and placed a new brick in front of the Crimson ranger, patted it and the stepped aside as Hunter took his place behind it.

The others watched as Hunter slammed the side of his hand down and gasped in pain.

"Looks like Rodent - 1, Thunder Ranger - zip!" Hazel said wrapping her arm around Shane's waist as he wound his around her shoulder, both laughing openly at Hunter's failed attempt.

"You think you can do better?" Hunter challenged.

Hazel's eyes narrowed and darkened. "Mov -"

"No!" Shane intervened. " she is gonna break the bricks and your skull hunter she stronger than you"

Hazel grinned smugly at Hunter. "Don't tell him that, Shane , you might injure his huge ego!"

"I hate you!" Hunter retorted.

"The feeling is mutual, Thunder Boy!"

"Don't call me that!"

"You'd prefer, 'Sparky'?" Hazel grinned; satisfied that she could get under his skin so easily.

Hunter growled in annoyance, stood and walked away, leaving Shane, Dustin, Blake, and Tori to attempt to break the brick but each and every one of them ended up failing, just as bad as he did, but they didn't inflict snarky comments from the Ninja in Pink.

Sensei sighed and shook his head at his team.

"You have come far in your training, Rangers," Sensei told them, "but you still have a long way to go."

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