Return of thunder p4

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~~~~Next Day - Blue Bay Harbor - Storm Chargers~~~~
Hazel POV:

~~~~Next Day - Blue Bay Harbor - Storm Chargers~~~~Hazel POV:

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The girls and I watch Blake and Hunter carry in boxes. "This is the last of the new stuff." Hunter tells us, making my roll my eyes. There are boxes everywhere in the store.
"You guys are doing great, Bradleys." I smirk.
"Keep it up and you never know..." Kelly leaves to check out some other things.
"How is life in the work force?" Yasmine asks, also smiling as Dustin walks over.
"It's all good." Blake answers.
"Yea," Hunter turns to Yas, "thanks for the hook up. We owe you one."
"You want an easy way to repay her?" Dustin asks, making her roll her eyes. She really can't stay mad at these two for every long, but just because She's not mad at them, doesn't mean She trust them.
"If it involves morphers and megazords," Hunter starts, "we're still thinking."
"I know the whole sensei guinea pig thing seems a little out there, but," Dustin tries to reason, "once you get past the big teeth and the clothes and the talking, it's really not that unusual."
"On which planet is it not unusual?" Hunter wonders, and I walk up.
"Eltar." I put my hand on my hip, grinning.
"Look," Blake tells us, "it's nothing to do with sensei, alright. It's just, we got a big decision. But we won't keep you hangin' okay?"
"Yea." I remember something, "We still on for riding later?"
"After work," Hunter responds, "meet us at the beach."
"Got it guys." We wave.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
Yasmine POV:

I walk down the stairs of the cave, Shane skates in front of me

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I walk down the stairs of the cave, Shane skates in front of me. I jump back to avoid being hit. "I'm confused. Does it now say skatepark outside the secret entrance?" I wonder, walking by the red ranger. Tor, Lily, and hazel giggle at the comment and turns back to the monitor. I glance over Cam's shoulder to see he's examining the Thunder megazord.
"Sorry." Shane apologizes, skating over to the monitor.
"Someone knew what they were doing when they built these Thunder Zords." Cam comments, scrolling through the blueprints of the zords. "The technology is amazing!"
"Yea," I agree, "Now all we need is someone to drive it."
"Blake and Hunter will follow their destiny," Sensei steps forward, "whatever that may be."
"That's weird." The genius mumbles.
"What?" Lily snickers, "Finally find something you can't figure out?"
"No." Cam denies, but the fact that he can't figure it out is all over his face. "I've scanned the Thunder Zords for damage. But I keep coming up with this nonfunctional retrofit."
"Could you repeat that with fewer syllables?" Asks Tor.
"One piece doesn't have any purpose, but it is interval to the overall design." I beat the genius to it.
"And I'd just love to know what the deal is with it." Cam wonders, making the wind ninja snicker again.
"Wouldn't that count as something you can't figure out?" Shane asks, smirking a little. I put a hand to my mouth, keeping the giggles in as Cam does the death glare at Shane.
~~~~Later that Day - Blue Bay Harbor - Beach~~~~
I ride next to Dustin and Hazel, in the sand, jumping off a rock as he does a wheelie. I splash them with a little ocean water, and I can tell that they are glaring at me. I spot two bikes along the cliffside and I point to them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dustin nod, and we roll over the two abandoned bikes that are parked in the sand.
"Where are they?" I ask the wind rangers next to me.
"This is too weird." Dustin replies.
"I know," I nod, "They would never leave their bikes anywhere. Take it from someone who's known them for five years."
"Should we tell the others?" Hazel wonders.
"Yeah," I reply, putting my helmet back on, "Let's roll." We rev our bikes up, taking off down the beach and to Ninja Ops.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
"Blake and Hunter aren't the most reliable guys," Shane admits after we tell them the story about Dustin, Hazel, and I only finding their bikes at the meeting place, "but leaving their bikes? No way."
"I don't know about you," Lily look at me, "but I smell a rodent," Seeing Sensei on the table, she quickly apologizes, "No offence, Sensei."
"None taken, Lily," Sensei turns to the monitor, "I too suspect foul play."
We all walk over and surround Cam at the super computer. "It probably has something to do with this." The screen displays Choobo talking to no one. "I'm assuming he's not there for the scenery." I give them the crazy person finger circle.
"I don't know, dude," Dustin points out, "That place is kind of cool. Especially this time of year." We turn to the yellow ranger with questioning looks on our faces. "Right."
"Ready?" Shane asks.
Holding up our right hand, pointer and middle finger straight up, we command.
"Ninja Storm!"
"Season Storm!"
"Ranger Form! HA!"
"Power of..."
~~~~Mobile Command Center~~~~
We sit on our bikes, Lily is riding with hazel. The rangers and I rev our engines, and Shane announces, "Let's ride!"
"Hit it!" Tori agrees
"Yea!" Dustin agrees. With another rev of our engines, we roll down the ramp. Coming up the side of the MCC, I do a wheelie and Lily. We reach max speed, and 'ninja streak'/teleport to the forest.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Forest~~~~
We end up in a thick forest, dodging trees and logs a like. "Right on time." Choobo mumbles, when we stop in front of him.
"Where are our friends?" I demand, pointing at the alien.
"Why don't you join them?" The green booger asks sarcastically, "There's room for seven more."
"We'll pass," Lily scoffs, "But thanks."
Choobo does a fake cry, "I'm hurt. But not surprised. How about some new playmates instead? Kelzacks!" He thrusts his hand forward and Kelzacks appear in a pop.
"Ninja Swords!"
"I call upon the element of Thunder! Thunder Staff!" Hazel and I command.
"Attack!" Choobo demands, so the Kelzacks charge at us.
"Thunder Staff! Mega Power!" My staff grows in length, "Bring it!" Striking each minion in the chest, I get down and do the helicopter, sending some of the Kelzacks to the ground. I kick my foot up, making contact with the black and red alien.
"The more the merrier, I always say." Choobo summons more of the Kelzacks. The aliens tackle me to the ground and do a pig pile on top of me.
"Call to the beast inside!" I declare, my silver aura glowing, "Unleash the Fire sea Lion !" A red aura sea Lion appears, and throws all of the Kelzacks off of me. Tori uses her Sonic Fin to help the others.
"Good job Tor and Yas!" Dustin applauds.
"Seasonal Storm Striker!"
"How does this strike you?" Choobo slams his stick into the ground and it sparks a little.
"Uh oh." Hazel says, looking up. A giant version of the staff comes down on us. Swiftly, we roll out of the way just in time.
"Everyone okay?" Lily asks, from her spot on the ground. We nod, giving a few 'yeas'.
"Guys," Cam starts, "I've locked onto Choobo's genetic encoding and found the routing system for the dimension in his pack. It's the key to releasing the Thunder Rangers."
"Did you guys get that?" Shane asks us in confusion.
"Yea right." Dustin jokes.
"To get Hunter and Blake out, we need to slash the tubing that connects the control center to his backpack." I simplify.
"On it!" Shane announces, and we run in different directions. Choobo looks around in question, as we front flip forward we call, "Ninja. Storm. Power!" We destroy the tubing to the backpack and two blurs streak out of the opened end.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Grassy Plain~~~~
We run after the streaks of navy and crimson, and jog up to them as we slow down. "HEY!" I call, running to Hunter's side. "You guys okay?"
"We're fine." Hunter responds.
Sliding into a fighting stance, we spot Choobo, who says, "You rangers and your teamwork really cheese me off!"
"Did he just say cheese?" Lily whispers to me, I can just shrug.
"You ready?" Shane asks us, we reply with a nod.
"Wind Rangers!"
"Season Rangers!"
"Pai Zhuq!"
"Thunder Rangers!"
"Oh how shocking!" The booger taunts, firing lightning at us. Taking a hold of Lils, we make a hand sign, disappearing before the lightning can hit us. Looking around in confusion, the alien complains, "I hate it when they do that." Giving Lily her Cheetah Staff, Dustin and her jump up, the earth ninja hitting his hammer against Choobo and Lily her staff. Hunter and Tori rush the booger next. The crimson ranger fires his Crimson Blaster and Tori fires her Ninja Blaster. Blake comes up with his Navy antlers, taking a hold of Choobo's waist, and sparks fly.
"Ninja Air Attack!" Shane and Hazel declare, flying through the air with his sword and Haze with Flo. They strike Choobo multiple times, and kick off of his chest, landing on their feet. "Let's do it!"
"Seasonal Storm Striker!"
"Thunder Blaster!"
"Wait!" The green snot stops us.
"Now what?" Hazel wonders, a little annoyed.
"I wanna have a puppet show." Choobo declares, so we give him some confused glances, "I'll be the puppeteer, and you be my puppets."
"Now I'm definitely sure he's a few nuts short of a basket." I mutter, rolling my eyes. I feel myself getting pulled forward, and I glance down to see light blue strings attached to my suit, the wind ranger's suits, and Lily's uniform. "What's going on?!" I demand as I carried across the ground on my back.
"No!" Hunter exclaims, getting out of position to fire when he sees our Seasonal Storm Striker aimed right at them.
"I'm pulling the strings here. Now do what I do." Choobo commands
"No," Shane protests, "I won't do it." He's resisting the pull of the 'strings' to pull the trigger.
"Choobo's going down!" Hunter announces, repositioning the Thunder Cannon on Blake's shoulder.
"Hunter," Blake looks at his brother, "Be careful. If you hit the rangers, it will strip them of their powers."
"Hunter!" I call, "Just do it! There's no other choice." My voice full of pain from resisting Choobo's 'strings'.
"She's gotta point." The booger pats my head. "Right?"
"Hunter," The pink ranger exclaims, "go for it! We can't fight it much longer."
Blake stands up, "Can you do it?"
"No." Hunter replies, dropping the cannon to the ground. "I can't risk it."
"I knew you didn't have it in you." Choobo muses, "Two powerless Thunder Rangers coming up." Choobo throws something on us, overpowering our senses.
"Hold on!"
"I can't!"
"It's too strong!"
"Blake! Hunter! Run!" I cry, a tear falling out of my eye. We slowly concentrate our energy to stand. And slowly, but surely, we begin to stand.
"What are you doing? You're supposed to listen to me!" Booger complains.
"DUCK!" Hunter declares, rolling to get his blaster. We fall to the ground and the crimson ranger lands a direct hit on Choobo. Blake jumps off of Hunter's shoulder, performing multiple flying kicks to greenie's chest.
"Nice move, you two." I compliment when we regroup.
"Yea," Dustin and Hazel agree, "definitely smooth."
"Good job, Hunter." Shane says.
"No worries." Is Hunter's response.
"Hello!" Choobo calls, "I'm still working here."
"Sadly." Hazel and I mumble.
"Let's try this again. FIRE!"
"FIRE!" Our blasts combine, creating a super powerful one, hitting the alien straight on.
But, apparently, that's not enough, since once the smoke clears, we see Choobo still standing. "Don't count me out just yet! I still have one trick up my sleeve! This Scroll of Empowerment! Now you're really gonna get it!" He throws it in the air, and says while he grows, "They said I was going to be big someday."
"Cam," Shane says into his morpher, "It's zord time!"
"They're on their way." Cam announces, right before mumbling, "Now if only I could find out what this mystery piece does."
"Let's rock and roar! Kit!"
"Pink Butterfly zord! Your assistance is needed!"
"Storm Megazord!"
"Purple Sea Lionzord! Warrior Mode!"
"Thunder Megazord!"
"Things are about to get a little sticky for you rangers." Giant Choobo announces, rushing at us. He takes a swing at Hunter and Blake's megazord. The brothers block the attack with a mega sized Navy Antlers. Choobo throws the weapon up, getting in some strikes. The Wind Rangers blast him from behind, and when he turns around, I strike the booger the my sword.
"Any ideas?" I ask the others.
"Yea." Blake replies.
"On it!" Hunter agrees, adding an attachment to the  weapon their zord already has in hand.
"Glad I took those spinning classes." Choobo thanks, as we try to hit him, but he deflects the attacks by spinning. The three zords fall to the ground, I fall off my stand, hitting the ground hard.
"That's going to leave a bruise." I groan, rubbing my thigh. I watch as Tori and Shane form a weapon. The one that Tori used against Zurgane's zord.
"Fire!" Shane orders. However, Choobo spins his staff deflecting the attacks. The booger throws fire at us, and our megazords respond by  sparking and falling to the ground.
"Guys! That part I was telling you about," Cam announces, "I figured out what it does. Check this out." Cam slams the middle button, making three discs appear.
"Thanks Cam." I thank him, "But how about filling us in on the big secret." I examine the disc in between my fingertips.
"The only way you are going to beat Choobo is by combining your megazords." Cam explains.
"Woah! No way!"
"How Cam?!"
"Call the Minizord. He was part of the program all along."
"The Minizord?" Hazel questions.
"Just trust me." Cam says.
"It will be good to see the powers of wind, winter, and thunder working together." Sensei muses.
"You guys up for this?" Shane asks, looking at us in question.
"What do you think, bro?" Blake exclaims.
"Let's do it!"
"I'm right there with ya!" I agree, inserting my disk into the slot.
"Locked and Dropped!" The power spheres bang against each other, opening up. Shane's sphere contains the head, Hunter's the arms, and mine the legs.
"It soooo cute!" I stare in awe at the itty bitty zord.
"I am Minizord." The newest zord announces, "Storm Megazord. Pink Butterfly Warrior Mode. Thunder Megazord. Purple sea Lion megazord. Combine!"
"Thunder Season Storm Megazord Formation!"
"Thunder Season Storm Megazord!" "Heeeya!" We finish in unison. The lion zord's head that is on the shoulder of the Storm Megazords reattaches to the front of the newest megazord formation. The Thunder Megazord breaks apart, folding in on itself giving the megazord it's arms and legs. Hazel's butterfly wings attach to the back of the bigger zord. Finally, my zord's sea Lion head that was originally on it's chest attaches to the back of the Thunder Winter Storm Megazord. The sword removes itself from my megazord and goes into the hands of the new united megazord. The butterfly head from Hazel's zord attaches itself to the hilt of the Purple sea Lion zord's sword. As the final touch, the Minizord's head and hands attach themselves into the respective places and Tor's and Blake's zords appear on the shoulders of the Thunder Season Storm Megazord. The head of Tori's dolphin zord removes itself, revealing a blaster head.
"Yea!" Cam cheers through the comlink.
"How do you like us now?!" Lily and Hazel cheer from their seats.
"The bigger you are," Choobo exclaims, "The harder you'll fall!" Greenie whips his staff at us, us our defenses are greater now that we are combined and Choobo is very unsuccessful in the end.  "You broke my stick!"
"Don't cry!"
"Your mommy will buy you a new one."
"Ready guys?" I call, wanting to take this guy down.
"Ready!" We roll forwards, using the wheels of Hunter's zord, quite fast. Choobo fires lightning at us again as Blake and I make a motion to punch.
"This thing rocks!"
"No doubt!"
"Now what?" I question, right as the Minizord comes online.
"Use the Lion and Sea Lion Blaster. It will be your best defense."
"If you say so." Shane concedes, and we all let out yeas.
"Let's do it, guys!" Hazel declares.
"Lion, Purple Sea Lion Blaster! Activate!" The lion's mane on the front of the Thunder Season Storm Megazord starts to spin, charging not only itself up, but also the purple Sea Lion Head on the back. Spinning, both heads fire at the alien charging at us. The attack not only slows Choobo down, but makes him cry in pain before falling to the ground. We all cheer in our seats, seeing the pain in the side alien that has been annoying us for quite some time, finally fall.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
I stare, wide eyed at the brothers for saying no to Factory Blue. "I can't believe you said no to Factory Blue!" I exclaim, "That's nuts!"
"We have something more important to do." Blake explains, making my smile softly.
"We're in." Hunter finishes, smirking.
We start to celebrate and hug the two Thunder Rangers, but get interrupted by Sensei Wantanabe, "You have made a difficult decision. But I believe it is the correct one."
"Yea!" Lily agrees, "This is so cool!"
"You're one of us now." I grin looking at the Bradley brothers.

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