Shimazu's return part 1

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Hazel POV:

I was trying to concentrate on my maths homework in the lounge area at Storm charges but the others where in there talking. My interest peaked I looked up when Shane speaks.

''Quiet,'' He hisses at Tori and Dustin ''here it comes.''

Shane smiled as Totally Talented popped up on the T.V. screen at Storm Charges. The three Wind Rangers sang along with the opening tune before host came on.

"Hi there couch potatoes! Stu Starmaker here and this is the place where dreams become realities!" the host continued to explain the rules of the show, but just before the show actually started Kelly turned off the TV. I smiled gratefully at her.

''Thanks I've been wanting to do that all day.'' I said and she giggled with me.

''Hey.'' The others said.

''What was that for.'' Dustin said.

"You have got to be kidding!" Kelly said, shaking her head "You don't watch this do you?" she asked "This is an action sport shop, there will be no trash T.V. viewing here" and she returned to the shop floor.

As Kelly left, Blake and Hunter entered the back room .

"'Sup guys?" Blake smiled, before frowning and pointing to the TV "Where's Stu?"

''Some of us actually don't watch that show you know,'' I told him and he frowned ''and some of us have homework.''

''Well I was sick of watching it anyway.'' Hunter said.

Dustin looked up. ''Hey you didn't just bag on Stu?'' He asked.

Hunter smirked "I said I was sick of watching it," he responded "But not being on it!" Then he high fived Blake.

"What's the deal?" Shane asked his friends suspiciously.

"There looking for future stars," Blake grinned holding up a flier "We try out next week."

"What do you guys do?" Dustin laughed.

"Hey!" Blake said defensively "We do plenty."

"We have a secret talent," Hunter told her smirking.

Tori spoke making everyone look round at her. "Hey, Shane you have great voice" the blue ranger said "You should try out!"

"And what about you?" Shane asked "You're a fierce dancer!"

"Hey, and what about the sax master extraordinaire!" Dustin smiled.

"Hey, yo!" Blake interrupted "you're cutting into our action here." Both he and Hunter didn't look happy.

''You told them.'' I said giggling.

Shane Tori and Dustin left. I was thinking about making a few phone calls. I picked up my phone. ''Hey uncle Jase is Leah there... She is... can you put her on for a min... than i might need you to do me a favour.''

*Seasonstorm rangerform*

I was at ninja ops watching the others practise while listening to the lyrics of the song I was going to use when Cam and Yasmine walked in. He was carrying a heavy wooden box. Sensei had told me when I arrived that they had gone to a museum so that must be where he got it from.

''Well if t isn't the kids from fame.'' He said looking around and noticing that i was the only one not doing something to disturb the peace of the ninja ops. He turned to his father.

''Please tell me this isn't apart of their ninja training dad.'' I couldn't help but laugh at Cam as he looked over at his dad and tried to get his attention.

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