Chapter 5

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"Stoppp I really don't want to get this shirt dirty" George complained and tried to push away Dream. "I would love to get dirty" Dream winked and laughed. George just giggled not knowing how to respond.

After finally making the pizza and actually eating it, Karl and Sapnap won. Quackity looked mad and honestly he probably was mad. Either way it was funny to the rest.

Everyone got in the car and just kept singing and laughing. One of the best nights Sapnap had ever experienced. Dream was too focused on the comment he had made an hour or two ago. It was a weird joke but then decided to let it go and continue driving and singing.

-two days later-

"George hangout with me and the gang" the two were walking together and the blonde decided to bring it up. "Ok where are we going this time" Dream smiled and looked at the sunset and said "The beach." George didn't like the beach for whatever reason.

Well he did like it but most the time the water was cold.

"Alright I guess maybe I'm busy maybe I'm not I'll have to check" George looked up at the tall man that was walking beside him. Dream rolled him eyes teasingly "Make time for me it's next week" George followed with "it's not just you though there are others. Also next week is far" Dream whispered "maybe we could ditch and hangout. Just us two. " the sun was almost fully down "too bad I already made time for all of us to hangout" George winked and smiled.

(Sorry the paragraph above didn't make much sense. The plan to go to the beach is next week and Dream wanted for the two to ditch but George already agreed to all of them hanging out next week in his mind)

** next day

George layed in bed thinking about how perfect these last few weeks have been. He was amazed about everything. Dream had been in George's life ever since they worked with Bad. Now they were best friends. He loved him with all his heart. But for the last year and a half he secretly loved Dream.

Love was such a strong word but he meant it. And even if he didn't like him he would still love him and would sacrifice anything for him. He was the person that was there for him. And he loved that Dream never made him feel uncomfortable.

Then George realized Dream had bought a hula
hoop and a basketball. And then when George asked why all Dream said was "you'll see" George was so confused on why he hasn't seen why he had bought those items. Then he got bored and guess who he texted.

George: Quackity wanna hangout just us two?

Quackity: ugh I guess...when are we hanging out

George: today I'll pick you up in 10

Quackity left him on read. How rude.

George got up and turned on the car. He liked hanging out with quackity because well their personalities mixed very well. George's funny complimented quackity's.

"Hey gogy" quackity slammed the door behind him. George laughed as he looked at how quackity and George were wearing the same beanie. Quackity asked what he was laughing at and then he realized what.

"Just say that you want to be me. You don't have to copy me" quackity stared at him with no expression on his face as a joke. George then said "You're copying me I don't know what you're saying right now" they both just laughed

"Let's go eat out" George pulled up to Burger King "You're so dumb George" they both got their burgers and fries. "Foot lettuce?" They both started laughing at what quackity had said. "Eat it I dare you" quackity looked at the lettuce in disgust. "I triple dog dare you" when George was around he acted even more childish but it was fun.

"Fine" quackity took a nibble of the lettuce and well he made a face of disgust. George couldn't stop laughing seeing quackitys face. "When I die it's going to be your fault" quackity yelled as he laughed.

"Ok but let's go to the mall and pretend to be 13 year old girls" George laughed at what he had said and then started driving because he didn't care if quackity wanted to do what George had said. They got there and they walked around until they found the perfect store for their adventure.

"I really need a new shirt" quackity ran into the store and started looking through the clothes. "Buy this shirt it really brings out your personality." George held up a black shirt. "It's bland and boring" George couldn't help but laugh. Quackity then held up a red shirt "you should get this shirt it's yellow." George looked at it closely and said "that looks like a weird shade of yellow" Quackity laughed and finally found a shirt. It was a button up.

George wanted something too. "I want something comfy and I want it to be purple." Quackity laughed and looked around. "You're colorblind how do you know what purple looks like?" George rolled his eyes and said "people say it's a nice color so I want one."

After finding a hoodie that was purple (well he thinks it's purple quackity may have lied to him) they were back in the car.

They talked until it was 11. They got into a deep conversation. George trusted him. But not as much as he trusted Sapnap and Dream.

-this chapter had like 3 different things happen in one chapter. I don't know if I liked that or not. Oh well lmao hope you guys enjoyed it I hope it made sense.

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