Chapter 6

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-haha for some reason I really wanted to include schlatt and quackitys relationship in the dream smp so..

⚠️does include quackitys and schlatts toxic relationship! Please skip until the paragraph says "⚠️ends"  love you all stay safe. Also includes schlatts drinking problem like in the dream smp role play.

⚠️ s t a r t s

George looked at quackity while he was talking
about someone he liked. "Schlatt" George widened his eyes. They had met schlatt before but he wasn't very welcoming. "It's not working out." George saw the sadness in quackitys eyes.

"He's not stable. He's great until he isn't. I care I truly do. But I can't let him keep hurting me."

George didn't know what to say.

"I don't want to leave because a part of me wants it to work out. I don't want it to end. He'll say he loves me and then when he starts drinking it all ends. I don't know how to help him. We're not good for each other. I wish we were though."

Quackity took a deep breath and continued, "I wish you knew him the way I did when he's sober. He's sweet. Kind. A person that wants good. That means good. He made me feel valuable." Quackity wiped away a tear. "Our first fight while he was drunk ended up with him leaving me and I didn't want to see him. But then the next day he said he was sorry and that he really wanted me."

George sat there thinking of some way to comfort him.

"I wish I could make it workout. I feel like maybe it's my fault. Maybe I was the reason he wanted to get drunk. Numb the feeling of me in a way of that makes sense."

"Quackity I don't think you're the cause of this. I think you need to know that. He obviously didn't mean what he said if he kept on getting drunk and continued to be rude to you. I'm sorry I can't help. I feel bad is there any way I could help?" George grabbed a napkin from the Burger King bag.

"I want him." Quackity then hugged George. "I know you do. He made you feel good. Like you said he made you feel like you mattered and that you were valuable. He loved you. He's no longer the person that you fell in love with. He's someone you've never met. All you have of him is a memory. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. You deserve better and this isn't your fault and it never will be. I'm here for you. I wish I could make you feel the way he used to make you feel. I can be the person you rely on if you need that." George truly did want to be there for quackity.

"Thank you. I just miss him it's been a few days since I ended it." Quackity proceeded to cry on George's shoulder. All quackity wanted in that moment was schlatt. But he knew that he had to get over him and proceed with his life. He told schlatt to go and get help. Quackity tried to get schlatt professional help. Schlatt didn't want it.

Quackity changed the subject.

⚠️ E N D S (I love you all stay safe.)

"So you and Dream?" George looked up and said "I like him I'm not sure if he likes me too" quackity smiled and continued, "I think he likes you." George smiled "I'll drive you home it's 12 am and you need sleep and so do I"

quackity then said "let's have a sleepover and you sleep on the couch and I sleep on the other couch. I mean I'm going to be uncomfortable because I'm really tall but I mean" George smiled and started driving to where quackity lived and they indeed did have a sleepover.

All they really did was eat junk food and gummy worms. They had a fight about who's taller. And then they fell asleep on different couches.  And quackity did in fact fit on the couch.

They woke up the next day and they said goodbyes to each other and George went home.

-the day of going to the beach.

Dream hasn't talked to George in a while but it was ok because well they were going to be hanging out together today shirtless. He saw George change his shirt before but he left the room immediately when he did he see him.

George was not ready for going to the beach. When he got packed for the beach he realized that he didn't really wanna swim but he decided it'd be more fun if he did. Really liked how water looked well kinda the color wasn't his favorite. Either way he was not ready.

**⚠️this does start again I'm so sorry. It also is in the next chapter to the end warning will be in that chapter.

"We're all here except for quackity." Sapnap looked around and couldn't seem to see Alex. Then an hour later quackity showed up. But with schlatt. George looked at quackity and was so confused. George walked up to him. Schlatt just continued walking and went to go grab a beer.

"What the hell quackity. Why is he here?" Quackity looked into George's eyes and said "he texted me that he was sorry that he's changed." George widened his eyes. "People don't change in the matter of 3 days quackity." Quackity whispered "I missed him." George put his hand on Quackitys shoulder and just put his arm around him and turned around to face forwards and walked over to where the rest of the gang was.

"Great so we're all here!" Sapnap yelled. "I'm glad but it's not really all I guess because I invited a lot more other people" Sapnap scratched his head. "Who did you invite Sapnap" Dream asked while laughing. "Eret, Minx, tommy, tubb0, Rannbo, purpled, sam, puffy and funny." Dream rolled his eyes and said "that's a lot of people. So is this a party?"
Sapnap liked the sound of the word. "Yes it is."

When everyone arrived it had turned almost 8 pm. Everyone was having a good time.

-that was today's chapter. The emotions quackity described while in the relationship were the feelings I felt. I'm sorry that any of you have to go through that. Know that this isn't your fault. You're amazing you're great. I love you stay safe.

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