Oh no. I'm sad.

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Hi guys. So I just found out some sad news today. Note I am note going to say anyones name to respect their privacy. First you must understand that my street is kinda broken off into two different streets my street ends with a fence but the side that my friends lives on ends in a cauldasac.(I probabaly spelled that wrong.) But here goes.
So earlier on / last year I found out that one of my friends is moving. That was really sad. But today I found out that my best friend on "my street" (remember they live on the cauldasac side.) who I have been friends with for as long as I can remember (I believe we met when I was 8. She's two years younger than me.) is now moving as well. We had plans to move to Flordia or London to get as far aways from her parents as possible.  I was able to talk to her on Snapchat but her account got disabled and now I can only contact her on my PS4 and I don't know when she will answer. I am very sad. Two of my best friends that live within walking distance. Two of my friends that I can actually see in real life are moving away and I just feel so sad. 2021 is already becoming a terrible year and we just got here. I need some help here. I have two other friends that I can only see or talk to over video chat and for some reason they keep calling at all the wrong times. Sometimes it feels like the whole Universe hates me and these days that feeling is getting very strong. And almost constant. Almosr constant to the point where I start to just feel like crying on random days and at random points of the day. And other times it feels like I don't belong here. Like I belong in a different Universe like the MCU or Harry Potter or something like that. Anyways thanks for sticking with me.
Until next time,

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