For Harry Potter

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The Tale of the Three Brothers. Lets look at that with characters.
Voldemort is the third brother. Both wanted power and to be the most powerful.
Snape is the second brother. Both lost the woman they loved. Both wanted to see/be with the woman that they loved.
Harry is the third brother. (Hold on.)
And Dumbledore is Death. Now let me explain why Harry is the third brother and why Dumbledore is death.
I'll go off of the movie.
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2 Harry walks into the forest and let's Voldemort "kill" him.
When Harry "dies" he wakes up in a very white colored version of Kings cross and in that death dream (?) version of Kings cross death greets Harry in the form of none other than Dumbledore. Harry greets death as an old friend by having a friendly conversation (if talking about Harry being a Horcrux counts as a friendly conversation).
There you go.

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