Scam Likely

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I've gotten so many calls from scam likely that I'm about ready to answer it and talk to them about their car's extended warranty. I even have a script.
"Hi I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. It's been a while since I last called you and I can't believe you actually called me back... hold on let me check here. *obnoxious clacking of computer keyboard keys.* oh no it appears that your car's warranty has expired, I suggest buying a new warranty protection plan for your vehicle."
If they don't hang up
"Oh you've been trying to reach me about my car's extended warranty too? Well I got in a car wreak and I got a new car."
"What type of car? Well it's called a croissant."
"What does it look like? Well it's like a crescent shape, and it tastes really good with butter."

If they don't hang up by then then just hang up.

Or I'll just tell them that I don't have a car.

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