Help me

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Anyone else have two friends? And if so then have you ever been in the following situation?
Your walking to your next class when you see one of your friends so you talk to them for a bit and you found out that them and your other friend aren't talking with each other. Then you find yourself in the middle wondering when that happened and then having to talk to both of them individually to hear both sides of the story and then after that you realize that the weight of the whole friendship rests on your shoulders. And then your trying to hold it together but it's falling out of your hands like sand does. And then your in the middle your two friends aren't friends with each other anymore and your still friends with both. And then you start worrying about the day when one friend comes up to you and says that you have to choose between them or your other friend and then you'll just have an emotional breakdown because this whole thing came out of basically nowhere and it added on to the stress that school causes and you won't be able to take it anymore.

Well that's what's happening to me and I don't know what to do about it and I need help.

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