Hey guys.

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So yeah. Um I feel like a complete piece of walking garbage that needs to find a hole to crawl into and die.

So I started school like last week and I'm already stressed out. I already have late work for History. And the assignment that I have to do has no instructions as to what I'm supposed to do for it or how I'm supposed to complete it. And to top it off it has two small paragraphs that gives like zero information at all. And when my Grandparents where helping me I was trying to explain to them what I knew of the assignment and they kept asking for me to go to my assignment list and I kept saying that I didn't need the assignment list cause I was already on the assignment. And basically I felt like I was a big jerk even though I wasn't trying to be. And to make matters worse later after dinner while I was trying to finish that homework (which I didn't.) I could hear them and my dad talking about me behind my back. Like if your gonna talk about me at least do it while I'm either in the same room or not there at all. And my dad said that yesterday I said '"I finished my science and have two more subjects to do."' I never said that. What I did say yesterday was: "I finished my science but I just have one problem to do for science but can do it later tonight and then I have some history to do."

Never did I say anything about finishing science and then having two more subjects to do.   And then as we were leaving my dad kept telling me how much of a jerk I was resulting in me farther feeling like a walking pile of garbage that needed to find a hole to crawl into and die.

I really need some help and someone to talk to.

@Darkwolf_fang. Look out for a message from @ChasingDraco. It's my old account. Question how do I do that?

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