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So I want to know if I am the only person who asks Peter Pan to come take them to Neverland so that they don't have to deal the prison that adults call school. Cause I don't know about you but I just started 9th grade last week and I'm already behind on work. It's only gonna get harder from here. And to make matters worse I have ADHD that makes it hard for me to concentrate and I take medicine that helps me concentrate and guess what my medicine isn't helping me concentrate. But music helps me concentrate. Too bad I can't listen to music while I'm in a meeting. So I'm just waiting until Peter Pan can come rescue me from from school that is causing me emotional stress. Last night I cried myself to sleep from work that I am behind on, school, work that I sat at my desk in a chair that is uncomfortable until 8:30 something, and other things like endgame and the fact that I'm not at Neverland yet and if I don't go soon I won't be able too. Last night I literally made a playlist that just has sad songs in it that I listened too while I did my work. I just always feel sad but when I'm around my family I try to act happy so that they won't ask what's wrong because I really don't want to explain.
Please tell me if any of you also want to go to Neverland.  I just want to say that in my mind I will never grow up but my body will. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER!!!!!

A/n: thanks for taking your time to listen to the stuff in my crappy life

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