tagged :D

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1. I'm Aegosexual Aromantic :D

2. I'm Female lol. I don't really care about pronouns but i use she/her.

3. To Catch A Predator by Insane Clown Posse.
It's a good song.

4. I gUESs-

5. Black :3

6. I'm a Scorpio :/ but i don't believe on that zodiac bullshit.

7. My mom but I secretly hate her

8. Blueeeeeeeeeee

9. Definitely fries.

10. 93%

11. No one >:)

12. is lettuce a vegetable?

13. 36 lol

14. I don't really have a dream job now..? But when I was still innocent of the crushing reality of the world, i wanted to become a scientist.

No I'm not gonna tag people :)
You have been spared.

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