Book prompt i guess-

201 12 108

Ye ask, Ye shall receive.
I'm sorry for putting yall to my horrible writing.
And this is maybe the first chapter of the book????


(Also, The Corona doesn't happen here, And it's the middle of 2020)

Third Person POV

Russia was tired. Very tired. And for a good reason this time.
He was just forced to move in to the city with the majority of Countryhumans as UN held him at gunpoint. Why? Because UN wanted countries to cooperate together and be more interactive with each other.

A thing you can't do when you're purposely hours away from most Countryhumans.

At least he wasn't the only one.

He had just spent the entire night unpacking boxes and dealing with paperwork, And he had no Vodka to drink since she had already been through his whole stash shortly before relocating.

He was a truly miserable Russian.

Russia looked at the phone he had at his side, The only connection to the outside world and time. He turned it on. The phone greeted him with a massive amount of light, lighting up the practically pitch black room as he was laying in the floor since he still needed to re construct his bed.

He looked at the phone screen, After his eyes adjusted to the sudden difference in light.
He raised his eyebrow as he looked at the time.

9:07 already? Wasn't i supposed to meet with UN to discuss the papers at 9...?
He thought to himself,  His brain not working properly after a sleepless night.

He dropped his phone in the ground and started looking at the barely visible ceiling. His mind filling with self hating thoughts about how useless he was, How he was not even being able to show up in time.

Russia just sighed and slowly got up, His back already screaming for him to lay back down. He just ignored his body. He deserved it after all. His stomach growled, Requesting food after Russia skipped dinner.

Russia lazily walked up to his kitchen, And opened his cabinet. He remembered putting his food in the new cabinet that he installed. The Russian looked in his half empty cabinet,  Skimming through his small variety of options, Until he stopped at the buckwheat.

каша(Kasha) sounded good.

He grabbed the buckwheat box, (i don't know if it comes in a box, Forgive me i never saw buckwheat in my life— )
And headed to his fridge, Where he suddenly winded if it was working after all. It was a hassle to make the fridge work after some dumbass owner decided to steal the 'fridge' outlet.

He opened the fridge. The small lamp inside lit up, Revealing the fridge's rather empty insides.
Russia grabbed the butter and closed the fridge.
Russia then remembered he still had to get the pans.

The Russian put down his soon-to-be breakfast on the sink, And went to the very crowded living room to grab his pans and pots out of the plastic bag.
After rescuing the pans and pots from their plastic prison, Russia washed the pan with a little bit of water to wash off any dust that got collected during moving in. He then set off to make his breakfast.
Time Skip because I don't know how to make Kasha and i don't want to write too much because I'll probably lose motivation :D
And everytime the squiggly line appears, It's a time skip :)
Russia walked in the rather big UN building, It's somewhat Greek architecture made it seem imposing and old, However, When you went inside, The style instantly changes to a modern one, With white and tones of blue all around inside of the sky blue building.

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