World Building headcannons idk

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I dunno. I have WAYY too much time thinking headcannons

—All countries live on a island in the middle of the ocean, around 2000 kilometers of the coast of Portugal. The island, Once called Ile Julia, Now nicknamed CountryHuman Island or CHI, Is now administrated by the United Nation and you can say it's a country by itself and treated such. It's international land, And you don't need a visa to live there.

—The land are fo the island is 148,016 square kilometres (57,149 sq mi). The size of the Brazilian State of Ceará, And sightly smaller than the American State of Illinois. It would take almost 6 hours to travel the entire island in a straight line with a car. Pretty big.

—France used to own this land before UN came along and convinced her to give her island up.
The island has seen some... Brutal stuff. CHI's history is filled with bloody fights for ownership of the island. I'm seriously thinking about doing a whole timeline of the events for this godforsaken Island REEEE

—Guess who came up with the idea?


Japan came up with the idea and the USSR helped to convince everyone. This was in the 60s/70s (didn't decide a date yet) and it's funny since Japan only came to the Soviet Union because America didn't want to help her convince and thought the idea was pretty dumb. Plus the UN countries were debating on which city would be the capital as New York City was a placeholder. A placeholder that basically gave him power over the UN. America didn't want to give up that power, Buttttt his mortal enemy wanted to get a more equal (ha) power distribution. so with France convinced to give up her island, The plan was easily approved by most of the countries and most of the leaders worldwide.

So basically Japan coming to meet with Soviet to spite America be like:

Japan was 15 lmao

—The Capital is called New Pangea. (Very creative, I know. I'm bad at names. It's close to the shore, And it houses the UN building.

—the population is around 16 million. 5 of those million people live in the Capital.

— there's several smaller cities around the island with smaller populations.

— The second biggest city in CHI is named Astoria, With over 1 million people. It's 1 hour away from New Pangea and it houses the various other Organizations buildings. (NATO, EU, ASEAN, AU, BRICS Mercosul...)

—The CHI was soon inaugurated(?) To countries in 1989.

—in 2002, Shortly after 9/11, The United Nations, Basically banned any way of a Countryhuman leaving the island without permission from the country leader or one of the five (UN, EU, ASEAN, NATO and AU) organizations.

—Everyone knows that Countryhumans exist and that they live in CHI. Hell, They even joke about it.

—Countries can't be seen in their 'countryhuman' appearance normally, Unless they want to. Only the specific country leader and other countries can see them at all times.

—Countryhumans can't see their or others 'human' appearances.

—Countryhumans' identities are completely hidden so that they can pass as normal humans with normal jobs.

—Cameras aren't a loophole.

—Countryhumans are given new identities every 50 years or so, To Account for... Fake Human Dying.

—FBI and CIA run most of the Countryhumans things, For example identities, Making side they can't just take an airplane to, Idk, Champagne, France easily.

—Countryhumans often leave the island to show up the public, Etc. For example,  Elections. Let's say, America is now in the United States to stay with Trump to show in the public. He'll look like a Countryhuman to everyone who sees because he wants to.

(Side note, I just laugh when i imagine America  awkwardly standing next to Trump when he begins his fake speech. America looks at the ex president, Then grabs a pen and a paper, And writes 'ITS ALL BS' and then quietly holds it to the camera to see while pointing at it. And then the News does the check thing where they cut the president off and the person calling Trump out just looks at the camera and just tries holds their laugh in cause even the Countryhuman America is calling the president out lmao)

— Countryhumans can feel when natural disasters happen. They feel pain, And it depends how much damage the disaster made that says how much pain they feel.

—each natural disaster affects countries differently.
For example, Earthquakes give the affected country a seizure. Poor Japan/Chile/Indonesia lmao.

I think that's enough. Bruh it's already at 764 words. That's a record.

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