Chapter 3

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Maeve rushed to the stables, shoes in hand as she made her way. Noting the stable hands who were assigned to the guest's horses Maeve waved her hand at them demanding a horse. The Stablehand shook his head. 

"I am sorry ma'am, I can't just give you a horse. I could always prepare your carriage for you."

She groaned and tossed her shoes aside and looked at him boldly.

"Take one of my horses from the carriage and have him brought out.  I only need one."

"Ma'am the ball isn't over yet?"

Maeve groaned and dig her heel into the dirt. 

"If you do not go inside and fetch my horse, I will have no choice but to push you aside, get her myself, and next time I see your Prince let him know of your insolence. Understood?" 

He nodded quickly and raced to the back.  Moments passed and he brought out a horse of white complexion, a Windsor Grey.  Maeve smiled as the horse was led out to her and grabbed the reigns nodding a thank you to the worker.  She pulled herself onto the horse's backside and held onto its hair, kicking her heels into his haunches. The horse reared and took off, fast and strong down the roadway and through the gates. Suddenly a snake slithered across the pass, causing the horse to fright and knock Maev'e from its back. She had already been past the gates and outside of castle property so it was unlikely a guard had heard the commotion and would assist. 

By now the royals were bound to be returning to their homes, and she couldn't pull herself from the ground.  Whoever came through the gate would have her at their mercy.  Maeve heard hoofprints and saw a carriage and a rider shortly behind it.  She sighed as the carriage drew to a stop but released a breath of relief as Sisiveight came out of its door. He knelt beside her but Jason had been following behind the carriage and joined the pair. 

"Maeve please let me help!"

Jason reached to grab her and Sisiveight stood between them.

"Don't you dare touch me, I don't want to fuel your stalker fantasy." 

Maeve groaned as Sisiveight held his hand out and got her to her feet. 

"I only want to help, why are you so hostile."

Maeve unlaced the back of her dress slipping it off of her body and onto the ground.  She bunched it up and threw it into his chest.

"If you want to help then take this back to my mother and tell me I'm dead." 

Jason tossed the mess of fabric onto the ground and stared at her in just a petticoat. 

"Are you crazy? That will start a war! She will burn every one of our villages."

Sisiveight took his overcoat off and set it around Maeve's shoulders to shield her body from view and cold.  He began to lead her towards his carriage. 

"She wouldn't.  But tread lightly prince-" She spat as they walked past "Because I would."

Jason could not bear the anger she had caused him and swung at the girl's face. Sisiveight pushed her out of the way, and swung back at Jason hard, hitting him straight in the jaw. The sea prince looked at the crow angrily.

"Don't you see? She won't comply." 

"I couldn't care less that your kingdoms have warred before you even knew how to fight, but I won't let you hit a woman, much less a princess."

Maeve took the time to slip away while they argued and hid in the bushes watching. She heard a curse slip from Sisiveight's lips as he picked up her damaged dress and threw it into the carriage.

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