Chapter 10

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Hiraine had yet to announce their news but the festivities were very much alive with excitement. Maeve had taken up the mantle of Queen, and as an unmarried ruler, she remained sovereign. It was not a normal occurrence for a Queen to rule, rather than an ex-queen maintaining power until her child was married off or of age. Maeve was tired of tradition and being undermined because of what was in her trousers.  She had changed a lot in the past. She had discarded her frivolous dresses and corsets, in exchange for armor befitting her new station. She no longer just led her people, she led her army, and they adored her. During the last month, Maeve had accomplished more as queen than her father had in his many years of ruling.

Letters were sent out across the kingdom to every household no matter the status Invitations to the queen's homecoming.  They were unaware of anything happening in Orphic, as she had kept Sisiveight's soldiers inside her own border, and made sure any letters addressed to the house were given to her.  If she deigns to reply, she'd have Sisiveight write verbatim what she spoke, and once approved she was the one to seal and send it off. 

Maeve walked towards the front of her gates to welcome the incoming guests, and spotted a guard being held against the wall forcefully.

"The problem here my lord?" It seemed that Jax wanted to start more trouble yet again. JAx released the guard and the young boy slunk to the ground, Maeve bent down and ripped a portion of his cape to hold against his bleeding nose.

"You'll be ok" She said and then looked up at Jax with an indifferent look on her face.  "What was this about?" Maeve gestured towards the wall and then back to him. 

"What do you think? You think you can just walk away from me?" 

Maeve looked at him and stood tall. "You betrayed what you stood for, you gave me over to my mother and then destroyed a kingdom because you were jealous." 

"I'm not asking you to take me back." 

"Then what are you asking Jax. I need someone I can trust on my side, and somebody who acts that irratcially isn't trustworthy."

"Look me in the eyes...tell me you dont love me."

Jax's voice wavered.

"Tell me you never want to see me again and that you mean it. That youve moved on and love someone new...tell dont want me, and ill give you space...."

"Jax. I don not love you. I do not want you." 

Maeve looked at Jax and then back towards the castle where Isa was now coming from. 

"I have to go. Enjoy my party."

Jax looked defeated and was left standing alone to wonder what had just happened. Maeve needed to clear her mind and Isa was a welcome distraction.  She had been dressed in a pale blue gown and was spinning for Maeve to see. 

"You look like a princess, here" Maeve grabbed the crown from her head and lay it onto Isa's. 

"Keep this safe for me ok?" A tap on Maeve's shoulder caught her attention and motioned for Isa to head inside and enjoy the music. 

"We need to talk."

Maeve recognized the voice. 

"And here we all thought you were dead?"

 "I can't die, I'm too stubborn, although I would like you to keep it a secret, so my mother doesn't find out." Merriweather said. "But where is Orphic. I've seen everyone else, even the soliders but have yet to see Sisiveight's odd mask in the crowd, and he is not a easy man to miss." 

"Hes being held up currently. But he'll be arriving later tonight." Maeve said nodding to the former prince. "And very well i'll keep it a secret. But i want something i return."

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