Chapter 8

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"I'll wait for you"

That's what he said before he left her.  Maeve touched her lip gently with her fingertips as she smiled. He'd wait for her, and that was all the hope she needed. There had to be some way to stop this. She worried to herself as she paced her bedroom that it may already be too late.  Maeve allowed no one to come into her room as she dressed. Hoop, petticoat, dress, and corset. It was a lengthy process in lacing it up herself. She groaned as she finally had it pulled just right. Maeve sat before the mirror and pulled her hair up tightly leaving a few curled pieces out to frame her face. Her mother had brought her marigolds and tiny sunflowers which she used in her hair. She reviewed herself in the mirror. Her dress was golden with a black mesh overlay. Her corset beaded and matched seamlessly. Once a royal bride married into another kingdom she'd become their subject and relinquish all right to their home, giving it to their husband. Maeve took a deep breath, for tonight if all else failed she would trade these colors for a new set of arms. Tonight she would sacrifice her true self and her people and surrender fully to the will of Moria.

There was a knock at the door and Merriweather called out "Can I come in?"

"If you must say something you may say from out there."

"Okay." Merriweather takes a moment to gather himself, then says "I'm sorry that our parents forced us into this. I know that I'm probably the last person you want to be getting married to and that there are going to be desserts at the party that you would have preferred to marry, but I promise that you will be happy here at the least."

Maeve groaned and waited for his footsteps to recede. She knew she'd have to wait until everyone was gathered for the wedding before she'd be summoned. Hopefully, they were eager to leave and would be seated soon.  It felt like hours before there was the knock signaling it was time. Maeve covered her face in a golden veil and almost stumbled over the dress' train as she made her way down the hall. She heard the horns of the kingdom blaring for her arrival and wished for nothing more than to shove those horns up their players'- her thoughts were interrupted by the double doors swinging open to reveal her. Maeve didn't see Jax as she scanned the crowd, assuming he was too upset to be here. She walked forward with her head held high as she approached the alter every step even more forced more than the last. Maeve stood beside Merriweather. The priest began.

"Blessings and merry meet. Gentle lords and ladies, we've gathered here to join the Prince Merriweather of Moria and Princess Maeve of Hiraine. They have asked that you join in their joy, and to share in their vows of commitment and love. "

The priest turned to Merriweather.

"My lord, do you take Princess Maeve of Hiraine to be your wife of your free will and choice?"

"I do" Merriweather whispers, then repeats, louder and clearer, "I do, of my free will, and of my own choice." 

"My lady, do you take Prince Merriweather to be your husband of your own choice and free will?"

Maeve nodded and spoke her lines, tasting the poison in her mouth. 

"I do, of my free will and choice."

The priest grabbed a scabbard from beside him and pulled a sword from the sheath.

"Swear you now on this sacred blade that there is no reason known to you why this can not progress."

"There is no reason-" They both began as the back wall blew open.  Debris and screams came from everywhere and Maeve ducked as she saw Jax enter the building from the hole he created. Merriweather had been dressed for the ceremony in his noble clothes and luckily had strapped his sword on. He drew out his blade and raised it towards Jax.  

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