Chapter 4

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Being that it was well past midnight, Dormon was asleep and did not see the naked raven ride in with their prince.  Jax got off the horse first and helped her down, tying the horse to a nearby post.

"Just stay close."

The pair walked into the corridor and Maeve tried her best not to stare at the finery.  Hiraine was lavish but their home was more so covered in vines and greenery, this was completely different and brooding.  Jax lead Maeve up some stairs and down a hall into a large room.

"This was my mother's room, you might find something that will fit in there." 

Maeve removed the cloak and dropped it into Jax's hands, he had already seen her naked before there was not much reason to hide now. She was slender and lanky for an heiress, and her hair was gross and dingy from being in the woods.  She moved towards the wardrobe and found a dress in the colors of Dormon. The silver fabric was silky and shimmered as she moved it, the blue embroidery matching her eyes. She slipped it over her head and smiled to herself.

"Does this look ok?"

She asked him, Jax's eyes scanning over her body with a small smirk. 

"Yes, you look like Dormon royalty."

"Well that's not such a bad idea now is it." 

Maeve winked and Jax could feel his cheeks grow red.  This was not something he was familiar with and nodded quickly and left, closing the door behind him.  Maeve chuckled to herself finding the joke funny.  She hadn't meant anything by it but figured it was worth a laugh. Maeve threw herself onto the gigantic bed and could feel her skin melt into the sheets with a large yawn and slipped off into sleep. 

When Maeve woke she could hear the halls bustling with activity. She stood and removed the dress from her body realizing how silly it was to have even gotten dressed the night before.  The raven moved to the bath that had been drawn for her and stepped into it, the water still warm.  She let out a sigh and bathed herself and made sure to remove the grime from her hair.  When she had finished Maeve once again scanned the wardrobe settling on a white shawl over a black frock. Stepping out of her room she made her way to what she assumed was Jax's room considering the number of servants coming out. 

"My lord? May I enter?"

Jax looked up from his desk to see Maeve standing in the doorway. He smiled at her.

"Of course, What can I do for you?"

She looked around the room and sat on the edge of his bed.

"I'm sorry, but I was wondering if maybe you could show me around your kingdom? Moria was the only kingdom I've really been in besides my own and I was really only inside the castle."

Jax laughed and put down the quill.  

"I suppose affairs of state can wait if you really were that locked down.  I am sorry for my departure last night.  You looked- look beautiful in our colors."

Maeve took Jax's arm as he escorted her outside of the building on a walk to the nearest border. It'd be a good distance but they did not bother to bring horses. 

"Thank you, my lord, it was an honor to wear them."

Jax looked at her and then again to where they were headed.

"So tell me of yourself, Princess. I believe I met you when we were just children but that was over a decade ago." 

"Oh, I am not that interesting Lord.  My father wanted a boy and instead, the gods gave him two females.  Didn't stop him from treating me like a son after we lost Morena.  Losing her wounded his spirit, he was callous and wanted nothing but bloodshed.  He wanted me to be prepared if Breyos ever attacked so he put a sword in my hand the moment I could hold one."

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