Chapter 14

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Maeve stood in the doorway looking in at her counsel. Her new captain of the guard greeted her as she entered.

"My queen."

"Larissa. Thank you for being here. " The two women placed their hands on the other's shoulders and nodded. 

"Yes, we have much to discuss. I've chosen the suitor."

"We saw that the pile was sifted through already." 

Maeve smiled a small grin and sat at her desk, Larissa was one of her more trusted advisors, she was Soren's wife and they had known each other for years. Maeve had other advisors, of course, there were Markus and Octavius but neither of them would have been honest like Larissa. 

"Yes. I have made the decision. Orphic must be reigned in completely, their people fall under us but some are still fiercely loyal to Orphic's independence.  They have the exports and in time they'll have the men."

"What about Dormon? I have heard the prince had yet to marry."

"No. Their prince is a traitor to the crown and in time he will meet his punishment.  He tore a kingdom part do you really believe I'd want to bring him in peacefully?"

Larissa scowled at Markus who had begun that suggestion and turned to Maeve. 

"Orphic isn't the best choice for you my queen.  Sisiveight isn't easily controlled." Octavius spoke before Larissa could interject. 

"Yes, but he surrendered when Frederick stormed his walls. He has already submitted to Hiraine." Larissa spoke and rolled her eyes.

"Sisiveight and I have known each other for years and have already discussed the way things would be if we were to marry my lords. He has agreed to marry as well as relinquish any power while sitting on the throne.  Power still rests solely on Hiraine's head."

Larissa nodded at Maeve, who looked at her other two council members. "Well?"

"We'll draw up the plans my lady."

"Nothing big this time. We'll have a celebration but the ceremony will stay small. Get to work my lords. Within three days I want this to be over before it even starts." Maeve stood and nodded as her counsel gathered themselves and exited the study. Hans and Sisiveight entered. 

"So it is settled?" Sis had asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately, you are to be tied to me. I am sorry. I wish that someday you may find love in your heart for someone and that you may find some fragment of happiness."

"Maeve, what you two have is more than enough for this work.  You both love your people if you don't love each other. You both get along and without the feelings to get in the way you will keep each other honest. Even though platonic it will be a stronger marriage than that built on love."  Hans spoke up smiling, as Sisiveight had already filled him in.

 "Heh.. he's right you know..." Sisiveight looked down at her, "You were my first friend when I was a child, and once again when we met at that party after so many years."

"Maeve laughed as she looked at Hans and then at Sis, "Yeah, i guess" she rubbed her eye lazily. "You were my best friend."

Hans shook his head slowly. He'd never been married, nor had he ever planned on it, allowing it to run its course more naturally, however his kingdom pushed for it. "You should marry your other half, not your friend. The love you two have is special, it is not sexual or on any levels of relationship wise, but it is more platonic. That is what makes it special"

"The first-ever platonic marriage," Siseveight mused with a raised brow, "Goes well with the whole first powerful queen thing."

"In the meantime, I and Sis have to rush a wedding, Hans can I ask a very big favor?" 

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