Chapter 15

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Maeve sat on the bed covered in the silken sheets as Sisiveight handed her a warm glass of milk. 

"Are you sure you're alright? I know it must've been weird seeing him again."

"Yea I'm ok."

"And the baby?" Sisiveight whispered as he sat at the edge of the bed and slipped his mask off and held it in his hands. The door was closed and it was well past dark so he felt comfortable enough to remove it in front of her.  She smiled and nodded.

"He's a fighter this one. He's been through a lot already."

Sisiveight sighed and looked at her before she continued. 

"I almost didn't have this child. I asked Rosemary for a cure for it.  She told me to drink the tea and my body would do the rest."

Maeve felt a warm hand reach for hers and she took it into her own, feeling Sisiveight's thumb rub her knuckles.

"I think she gave me a laxative instead. I had the runs for days but I never bled."

"Is that why you were adamant about keeping it?"

"Yeah. This child is a fighter and wants to live.  He's going to do great things and I want to give him a world to do them in.  People like Jason and Jax want to destabilize our world.  I need to put a stop to them." 

Sisiveight took the glass from Maeve and smiled softly at her. 

"If he's a fighter then he is just like you my queen." 

Maeve smiled back and used her free hand to pet the pup at her side.  The dog's fur was soft as he cuddled into the bed. 

"Are you ready for the wedding and what comes after?" She asked Sis.

"I hope so. We'll find out tomorrow."

Sisiveight left her room and closed the door gently as he made his departure. Maeve couldn't sleep and worried about what was to come.  She wasn't marrying for love, or some alliance despite what her advisors believe. She was marrying for a secret and was hoping it wouldn't be in vain. 

Maeve stood before the mirror and sighed. She was finally happy to be going to a wedding. Her gown was white once again, and the color made her look as though she was glowing. Isa wore a rose gold-colored dress and had placed a crown of flowers on her head. She held a second crown in her tiny hands and giggled as she ran out of the room to find Hans presumably.

Maeve flattened out the dress as much as she could and framed her face with a few loose pieces of hair before tucking the rest up regally. She had never looked so beautiful before in her own opinion. Perhaps she even looked queenly. Maeve hadn't formally invited her mother but of course, the woman made sure to make her presence noted. The wedding itself was going to be quite small, just to make sure that the wedding was fully completed. Maeve sighed, third time had to be the charm. If this didn't take then she was surely cursed. 

"Really dear? Of all of the eligible bachelor's you chose the poorest and creepiest?"

Maeve sighed and paid no mind to Nadene. She knew the deep-rooted disapproval wasn't just with Siseveight but instead with everything Maeve had done since assuming the throne. Nadene knew that she held no more power.  The old king of Hiraine had left the throne to Maeve, to be assumed when she felt she was ready.  She could still remember the last conversation they had.  He was laying, his breaths disheveled. Maeve's hand was on his face and she was sobbing.  Her father looked at her with a soft look, one she was not familiar with seeing.

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