Chapter 16

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~ 5 Months Later ~

~ Calvin P.O.V. ~

So Yeah it's been 5 months since Tasha and I have talked, we kind of ended on not so good terms.

~ FlashBack ~

Tasha: I went over to Calvin house so we could talk everything over, because early at Breakfast he stormed out on me when I told everyone that I was attending NYU in the Fall.

Calvin: What are you doin here don't you have to go and pack for college

Tasha: What the fuck is wrong with you, why are you acting like an asshole, and giving me the cold shoulder, I've been there for you through all your shit, N I go and make a decision that is going to benefit me in the end, and all you can think about is yourself, you got some Damn Nerve Motherfucker

Calvin: Who the hell you taking to like that! Yeah Im giving you the cold shoulder, cause if you was down for me, and Suppose to be my " Ride or Die " you would've brung your ass to me, and told me you was going to make some decision like that, but no that was to much for me to ask! So get the Fuck out of here with all that BullShit, you ain't down for me!

Tasha: You Know What, Fuck you then Calvin, you want me to be like all them other Bitches out there in the street, sitting at home letting their Damn boyfriends take care of them, while they fuck them over, out there cheating and shit! Hell No!! That will not be me. I want my own Shit, I want to experience life for my own Calvin, Is that to much for me to ask, and want!

Calvin: Ain't nobody ask you to be none of that, all I wanted you to do was at least talk to me about your Damn decision before you made it. I'm suppose to be your man, and we are suppose to talk about situations like that, I Love You Girl, and you going around here making decisions without me!

Tasha: Well Clavin I'm sorry if you feel that way, I just really wanted to trust in my self and do what I felt was right, and truly I believe this is the best Decision. I mean It's not like we have to end our Relationship.

Calvin: I'm Sorry Tasha, but true fully I don't think it's best for us to be together anymore. Where going in two different directions, and we're not seeing eye to eye, so it's best that we end it right here and not keep this " So Called " relationship going.

Tasha: Well if that's what you fell is best I guess that's the route we should go. Have a nice fucking like Calvin!

~ End Of FlashBack ~

So lately I've been just doing me, Doing my deals and stacking up on my paper. My empire has been rising over these past couple of months. I haven't had any troubles, few people I had to cut off but that's about it. Have I been thinking about Tasha, Hell Yeah, but hey that's in the past and she is long gone. Speaking of relationships I've been kicking with This Girl I met named Kimberly, I mean this girl is bad, she's BrownSkin, with this big ass, and she got some nice tities to go with that big ass, and she about 5'5, which makes it even better for me to pick here up and do what ever I please when it comes to sex! We're not official, she's just a friend with benefits kind of girl, and we hang from time to time, but I'm not trying to get into anything serious with here as far as right now, I'm just going to take everything Day by Day.

~ Darnell P.O.V ~

It's been kind of lonely without my sis around anymore. Ever since she left its kind of been boring, I didn't really know how much my sister brought entertainment into my life with all her drama. Recently I moved out of the house, and got my own place, cause moms been tripping about me and KiKi, you know " Doing Our Thing " in her house, so I got a nice little place so that KiKi and I can have our own privacy. And plus staying in that house just reminded me more of Tasha, and the shit we use to do together in that house. But hey she doing here right now, and I'm proud of her for that.

~ Jasmine P.O.V. ~

Not having my Girl Tasha around has been a real Son Of A Bitch. I was mad at her for about 2 months, but then I thought to my self, you can't be mad at someone that getting there shit together, and trying to better their selves, so I had to give credit where it was do. I was really proud of her for pursing her dreams, like we said we was going to do since we were little. It's just that I miss her so Damn Much. Kiki and the rest of them is just not as exciting like my Tasha was. Tasha and I were unstoppable, couldn't nobody Fuck with us, or they knew they was going to get the shit knocked out of them! Damn I miss that Girl!

~ Stacey P.O.V. ~

Yall bitches thought Yall herd the last from me! We'll Yall was truly mistaken. I herd through the great vine, that little miss Tasha went off to school in New York, so as soon as I herd that a light bulb went off in my head! I'm Getting My Man Back! I told Yall he was forever going to be mine, and I want going to stop and til I get him. It's just going to take some time, but I for Damn sure getting him back in my arms, I just got to take care of this little Bitch Named Kimberly, cause I've been herring that she been kicking it with Calvin, and I can't have that, now can I. Hell No! So it's time to go Night Night Kimberly!

~ Tasha P.O.V. ~

New York has truly been an amazing experience for me. The school has a great curriculum, and is set where you can work at your own pace. My dorm is located in Manhattan, and I travel back and forth to Brooklyn for my classes, and sometimes Harlem. It was hard at first figuring everything out, but my roommate named Dawn has really been helping me out. She was born and raised in the Bronx, so she know New York Like the back of her Hands. When I first got here Truth be told I really wanted to leave and go back home, cause It just didn't fell right not having lived ones around me, but after I got the hang of everything it soon faded away. Jasmine, and my home girls, we keep in touch from time to time, but I really do miss them. These Girls in New York are cool though, the are way different then what I suspected the to be. There very straight forward, and out going, they really been showing me the hot spots out here in Ny, and the Men Out Here!!! Lord have Mercy They are Sooooo Fine, I'm mean they buff, and nice and chocolate, and nothing compared to the ones back home. I mean every time we go out they be having melting inside, but I be having to restraint myself. Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I'm planning to surprise everyone back home, So I shall see how that goes!

Thank You to all my readers out there that have been reading my book, and voting on it. I really appreciate that, and hope you continue to read! Hope you like this Chapter, and vote and comment on it, and tell everyone about it!

~ One Love SueSue14

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