10th Chapter

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~ Jasmine P.O.V~

So we mainly spent all day in the mall with the guys, they basically bought Tasha & I whatever we wanted, I mean whatever we waned. Then afterwards we hit up my girl and I's favorite seafood restaurant, after the mall. The day was just so fun and kind of could get use to getting that treatment. I had left with Rickey, and Tasha & Calvin said their good byes and left, well at least I think they did! 

~ Tasha P.O.V. ~

So yesterday was so great, I mean Calvin treated me to everything that I wanted, but I also had to keep in mined that a man can not win your heart through gifts, he has to show true love to you without gifts. Anyways they way he made me feel was making me want him more, but I had to control myself. By they way after the mall and dinner we went back to his place... But nothing happened we just kissed and cuddle no close came off we just kept it PG, I now he was mad, but I thought it would be fun to make him wait. Though all that, nothing could make me more happier than today, b/c I GRADUATE, after all this time and hard work, I was finally graduating today, and at the top of my class, and I have to introduce my mom to Calvin, so we should see how that goes, than later one, I will tell her he does drugs, that will be another task, but I'm so happy I can't even deal.

~ Calvin P.O.V~

Yesterday was so great, I felt like a man that knows how to take care of his business and make his woman happy. I mean the look on Tasha face said it all, and I was glad see was happy. We went back to my place, but unfortunately we didn't do nothing but kiss and cuddle, but I actually liked that about her, she was different than all the other girls I have either dated or messed with, all they wanted was a piece of me and that's it. Anyways today was Graduation and I was hella hyped, through all the trouble, and detentions, and hard work I went through I made it, and was going to make my momma happy today, b/c at they end of the day she thought I was not going to make it, and now today I kept my promise to finish high school, and I did.

~ Jasmine P.O.V~

Today was finally  The Day graduation, I am so freaking happy, I have always dreamed of this day, walking across the stage with my family and friends screaming my name, and getting my diploma for all my hard work and dedication I put in. This is something I will always remember and cherish, even if I don't decide not to go college, I know I at least made it through High School, b/c some of my friends went and got pregnant and forgot about high school. I mean I applied for colleges and got accepted, but I haven't really made any decisions yet, but I need to at least get this day over with first.

~ Rickey P.O.V~ 

You already know I'm ready for today b/c this was the day I prove to my mom that I was going to make it, and not be a disappointment in the family, like some of my other family. Now I don't know if I want to do the whole college thing, but hey who knows, I might just do it, It would make my mom a whole lot happier, and kind of would make me really accomplished, I mean I don't have to go away I could just go to community and still do my sales on the side, but hey who knows, just got to take one step at a time, and get this day with over with and get ready for the party tonight, b/c its about to be hella live.

~ Darnell P.O.V~

I am so proud for my sister, we have been together since day 1 and she has been the best older sister I could have, and wouldn't change anything if somebody asked me. We have been like best friends, and if she does decided to go off to college, it would be hard for me but I would get through it at the end, she is my everything, she taught me more things then my own mother, b/c after my dad left she kind of fell of, she cares and does but, she sometimes stay out with her  friends and we might not see her that day or the nxt day, but she gives us whatever we ask for b/c she just that type of woman, and mother and I love her for that, but Tasha showed and let me experience a lot more. I love her to deaf and nothing can change that.


~Tasha, Jasmine, Rickey, Calvin P.O.V'S.~

Tasha: Graduation was everything I thought it was going to be like, my mother, aunts & uncles, and my brother was there.  It was a lot of screaming and yelling, and crying, and just everything I thought it was going to be. I was just so proud of myself I felt so accomplished, and I was on top.

Jasmine: Today was just like I dreamed, walking across that stage in my cap in gown, getting my diploma, and all my family screaming and yelling my name, taking pictures with my friends and family, and it was everything and above, I can't even explain it.

Rickey: Damn is all I can say, I really couldn't believe it, all that being hard shit went out the window. I ways just in shock, Like I really just graduate and I have a diploma in my hand  in a cap and gown. My mom was just in tears the whole time, she even made me cry when she gave me a huge. She was so proud of me, and I was proud of myself. I didn't and proved to her I was going to do it, and I did just what I promised.

Calvin: I'm finished is all I could in my mind. I proved all them teachers wrong, and accomplished what was once said a failure, that I couldn't do, I wanted to make something of my life which I did but I also wanted education behind to back me up, and show others I wasn't just a drug dealer, and a dumb child. I am Calvin a head drug dealer, with an education.

~ Tasha P.O.V~

After Graduation my family took me out for lunch and, we all caught up and discus what was my plans after high school , and it really had me think for a minute, I just met Calvin, his sweet a gentlemen, does nice things for me, but we never discussed if he was planning to college or not. I always dreamed of going to college, but would it interfere with us being together. I know I shouldn't, let no man interfere with my life, but its something about Calvin , and I don't want to loss him. So at the lunch I told my family yes, and discussed with them my choices and what they thought, but deep down inside all I could think about was telling Calvin about my decision.

Everyone go through some happy times, but also got some tough decisions to make. Make sure you keep reading to find out, and tell others about my book. Nxt chapter got some drama in it, and find out Tasha decision.

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~One Love SueSue14

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