Chapter Eight

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                                                                                   Zack P.O.V.

Authors Note: I just want to let everyone know that this chapter will be much longer than the others because of an idea that came from a friend of mine on Quotev 

(again, thank you so much!). I hope y'all like it and be sure to leave a review and heart this to know when it's updated.

It's been a couple days since Alex and Andy talked and whatever it was about seemed to have some kind of effect on her. She was more quiet than normal and spent more time in her room with the door shut. I tried to ask her about it but she would just shrug it off every time. Jeremy told me not to worry but I couldn't help it. We grew up together and I always knew when something was wrong or bothering her.

Jeremy knew what I was thinking and shook his head. "Just leave her alone for awhile. With everything that happened, she needs time to process it."

I sighed, knowing all too well that he was right. My phone went off and thinking that it was a text, I pulled it out of my pocket. Looking at the screen, I saw it was a reminder I had put in several months ago. Oh, shit, I thought when I saw it. I forgot we were leaving for tour tomorrow morning! Jeremy saw the look on my face and chuckled. I looked up and glared at him. "Not funny."

He rolled his eyes and went to the bottom of the stairs. "Alex!" He yelled, his arms crossed.

"What?" She yelled back down, clearly annoyed.

"Come here for a second. We need to talk to you." He walked back away from the stairs as she came down, her usual annoyed expression present, as always. "I know this is sudden, but tomorrow morning, we're leaving for tour."

Both of us watched as a small flicker of hurt flashed across her face briefly before it disappeared. "I see. That means the six of you will be gone all summer again."

She didn't phrase it as a question but Jeremy nodded anyway. "All seven of us are going to be up at five o'clock so that means you better have your stuff packed and ready to go tonight."

It took her a couple minutes to finally notice what he said and her eyes widened. Alex didn't say anything as she ran back upstairs and slammed the door behind her. Me and Jeremy looked at each other and shook our heads. We knew she was already packing and ten minutes later, she came back downstairs, trying to catch her breath. "Okay, my suitcase is packed." She tried not to laugh at our reaction and went into the kitchen to make dinner for the three of us.

"I hope she's not gonna try to poison us," I said, looking at Jeremy like a deer in headlights.

He sighed and smacked me upside the head. "Don't be such a drama queen," he said, going into the kitchen to help. I followed after him and leaned against the doorframe. I couldn't help but watch her as she stood in front of the counter. She had tied her hair back and with her bangs clipped off to the side, she looked younger than sixteen.

I must have been caught staring because Jeremy was waving his hand in front of my face while Alex had turned around, an amused smile on her face. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going sit down?"

Sticking my tongue out at her, the three of us sat down to eat. I didn't realize that she had made steak and cheese subs and I could tell from how amused she looked that she found this funny. It was quiet as we ate and I helped her clean up when we were done. After we had the dishes put away, she went back upstairs to her room for the night. I was about to go to my room when I felt Jeremy grab my shoulder. "You should tell her," he said before going to his room.

That was vague, I thought as I walked up the stairs. I walked past Alex's room and went into mine, shutting the door. I didn't bother turning on the light as I changed into a pair of shorts and laid down on top of the comforter, my arms folded behind my head. I just stared at the ceiling until sleep finally came.

There was a knock on my door and as I looked over at my clock, I could see that it was five in the morning. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and went over to open the door. Standing on the other side was Jeremy. His hair was sticking up, as always, and he was already dressed. "The bus will be here in ten minutes so you need to get Alex up," he said before going downstairs.

I walked down the hall and stopped outside her room. I knocked a few times but didn't get a response. She's never been a morning person and I had a feeling that today wasn't going to be any different. "Come on, Alex. We're leaving soon so you need to get up."

She muttered in her sleep and smacked my hand away. Jeremy yelled up the stairs, saying that the bus was here so I just picked her up in my arms and carried her downstairs, much to my brother's amusement. "I'm guessing she wouldn't get up?" He asked, bringing our bags o1ut to the bus.

"You guessed right," I said, carrying her onto the bus when the driver opened the door. I've been on this more times than I can count and brought her to the back of the bus where the bunks were at. I gently placed her on one of the bottom ones and closed the curtain before going to help Jeremy load our bags in. We got on the bus just as the driver started the engine and once Jeremy closed the door, and we were on the road.

Looking at the schedule on my phone, we were going to pick up Andy first, then Lonny, Jake and CC. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV while Jinxx grabbed two small bottles of orange juice from the fridge and tossed one to me. We just watched random channels until we finally pulled up in front of Andy's house. he was already waiting outside and he came in while the driver grabbed his bags.

He threw his jacket over the arm of the couch and flopped down in one of the chairs. He looked at us and raised an eyebrow. My brother understood the unspoken question and pointed to the back of the bus. Andy nodded. "She got that from Nick. He was never a morning person, either."

We could tell it was hard for him to talk about his brother. Jeremy broke the awkward silence after a couple of minutes. "Did you tell Kellin and the guys that we have an extra passenger?"

"Yeah," Andy said, grinning. "They haven't seen her since she was little so I wonder if they'll recognize her now. Lonny and Jake already know but I didn't tell CC."

He had a point. CC couldn't keep a secret, especially when he was hyped up on sugar or drunk off his ass. We talked for a little bit and decided to play the Xbox to pass the time. It was almost midmorning when we finally picked up the others. The six of us were talking about the latest game that came out when the door to the bunks opened and Alex came out. She was still in her tank top and shorts, no make up on while her hair was tied back but it was sticking up in different directions.

"Nice bedhead," Jake said, laughing. CC and Lonny were laughing, too while me, Jeremy and Andy kept quiet. We knew better than to start with her when she first woke up.

She glared at the three of them from under her bangs. "I swear to Heaven and Hell, Pitts, if you start your fucking shit with me already, I will burn your guitars and shave your head while you sleep."

They all looked at Andy and Jeremy. "Trust me, she's serious," my brother said, trying not to laugh at how terrified they looked. Alex seemed satisfied and sat down on the couch between me and my brother. Jake and CC seemed afraid to say anything now. From the corner of my eye, I could see her smirking at their reactions.

"You weren't serious, were you?" I whispered, putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Nope," she whispered back. She raised an eyebrow when I put my arm around her. I started to move away but she shook her head. "It's fine."

For a second, I thought I saw her blushing then realized that it was probably the light from the TV. Looking up, I saw the looks the guys were giving us and I glared at them, making them all chuckle. I decided to ignore them for the rest of the drive, which proved difficult for awhile.

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