Chapter Five

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                                                                                     Alexandra P.O.V.

When I heard someone clear their throat, I turned around to see a young man standing in front of the back door. He had black hair that was slicked back, tan skin and tattoos all over. He wore a muscle shirt underneath a leather jacket and black jeans with combat boots.

I smiled when I saw him and he smiled back. "UNCLE ANDY!" I shrieked and ran over to him, tackling him in a hug.

He nearly fell over but he regained his balance as he hugged me back and laughed, picking me up off the ground. "It's good to see you back among the living, squirt."

I let go of him and glared. He's been calling me that since I was little even though I was 5'6" now. He was an even six feet but he still looked taller in person. "Why are you wearing a leather jacket when it's hot as hell outside?" I asked, my arms crossed.

"Because I'm too awesome to sweat," he said, grinning. I just shook my head and I could hear Juliet sigh from behind me. His expression sobered as he looked at me. "The funeral arrangements for Nick are almost finished. His funeral and the memorial service are in a couple days." I nodded, keeping my expression blank. It was still hard to believe that he was actually gone but no matter how much I didn't want to believe it, I knew it was true. Andy must have known what I was thinking because he pulled me into another hug. "It's going to be alright, kiddo." He whispered.

I didn't hug him back. Instead, I kept my arms down at my sides and just stood there, tuning out the conversations that were going on around me. It felt like none of this was real and I almost believed that it wasn't. Andy let me go and that's when I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders. Thinking it was CC, I was ready to punch him until I saw that it was Zack. He smiled and led me outside to the backyard. We laid down on the grass and just stared at the sky, talking about everything and nothing.

He was my best friend. For the last eleven years he was always there for me and I was there for him. Well, until the day I lost my brother. I didn't want to think about that right now and before I knew it, I was letting my mind drift back to that day.

-Flashback: Two Years Ago-

I sat down on the couch with dad as he hugged me. He was murmuring something but I couldn't understand what he was saying. Everything sounded distant and I just felt numb all over. I heard the sound of footsteps and the wheels of the gurney and I knew if I looked up, I would see the black body bag that had my brother inside.

One of the paramedics came over and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and his face was grim. "I am so sorry for your loss. We tried everything we could to revive him but I'm afraid that he was already gone before we got here."

'We understand. Thank you for trying to save him," Dad said, his arms tightening around my shoulders. The paramedic nodded and left the house, closing the door behind him. Dad kissed the top of my head and he stood up. "I need to call your aunt and uncle and tell them what happened. Why don't you go to Jinxx's house for a little bit? I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

I just nodded and stood up on shaky legs. I grabbed my messenger bag off the floor and went over to the desk that was on the other side of the room and opened the drawer. I took out the CD's I had in there and my sketchbook, shoving them into my bag. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I grabbed my skateboard and left the house. Getting a running start, I jumped onto the board and made my way through the traffic, trying to avoid anyone who was on the sidewalk.

Finally making it to their house, I skidded to a stop. I picked up my skateboard and walked to the front door. I knocked a few times and Jinxx opened the door. He smiled when he saw me but when he saw the look on my face, his smile disappeared. "Alex? What happened?" he held the door open for me and I walked in.

I let my stuff drop to the floor as I felt tears sting in my eyes. "I-it's Lucas. H-he's gone..."

Jinxx understood what I meant and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry, Alexandra," he said, rubbing my back as I cried into his shoulder.

We stayed like that until I was able to calm down a little. I broke away from the hug and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. "Is Zack here?"

Jinxx seemed a little nervous about something and I thought he wasn't going to answer until he nodded. "He's upstairs in his room." I don't know why, but Jinxx didn't sound happy about that, which was odd. He never got mad at anyone.

I left my stuff where it was and went up the stairs. I practically grew up and lived here since I came over all the time. I walked down the hall to his room and saw that the door was shut. Thinking that he was probably passed out, I opened the door and flipped the light switch on. What I saw made me stop in my tracks.

Lying in his bed, naked, was Zack and one of the cheerleaders from our school.

When the light turned on, they both looked in my direction. The cheerleader sneered at me while Zack looked like he either wanted to jump out the window or was gonna be sick. I had a feeling that, like me, it was probably both. I just stood there, not saying anything as I looked at the ground, my bangs covering my eyes. Once the cheerleader was dressed, she came over and got right in my face. "What's the freak doing here? Don't you know how to knock, bitch?"

That was the wrong thing for her to say. I snapped my head up and glared at her. "I don't knock since I'm family. Call me a bitch again and I will make your life a living hell, you dumb slut."

Her eyes widened and she hurried out of the room, her footsteps retreating down the stairs. I finally looked at Zack and he didn't look happy to see me. 'What the hell gives you the right to just barge in like that?"

I wasn't in the mood so I snapped back. "Your brother told me you were here. I figured you might wanted to know that Lucas is dead, you damn fuckboy!" Before I could even process what was happening, Zack came over and slapped me across the face, knocking me to the ground. My cheek stinging, I put my hand over it and looked up at Zack. he looked horrified at what he did.

Neither of us said anything and when I stood up, I turned around and punched him right in the face. I knew he was going to have a black eye but I didn't care. I turned on my heel and walked out of his room, slamming the door behind me. Keeping my hand on the doorknob, I leaned back against the door, my hair hiding my face as the tears ran and didn't stop.

That was the first time I almost lost my friend but that was also when he broke my heart. 

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