Chapter Ten

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                                                                                                      Zack P.O.V.

Authors Note: I hope everyone's ready for this chapter because it's DATE TIME! That's right, you heard me! This chapter will be told from both Zack and Alex's P.O.V. so it will longer than the rest. Thank you to my friend Carter once again for the idea for this chapter so I hope you guys enjoy it. Please leave a comment telling me what you think.

From where I was sitting on the floor, I could see my brother and Lonny pointing to Alex, silently telling me to make a move which made me flip them off. Alex looked at me in confusion and i just shook my head. She shrugged and laid her head on my shoulder, which had CC giggling like a teenage girl.

"Fuck off, Coma." Me and Alex said at the same time, much to the others amusement. Jeremy stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. He nodded towards the back room and I got up and followed him.

I shut the door behind us and sat down on one of the lower bunks. "What's up?" I asked as I leaned back on my hands.

"We all see how you look at her so we're gonna help you," he said, his expression as calm as ever, which caught me off guard.

"Help me how?" I asked, laying back and folding my hands under my head. There was no point in denying it at this point since everyone knew, except her.


Jeremy went over the plan and I nodded. The bus stopped and when we came out of the room, I saw that we had already arrived at the Hotel. As soon as the door opened, we all filed out and grabbed our luggage before going to check in. Andy had put the reservation under his name and the attendant had given him the key. She informed us that our room was on the top floor as we picked up our luggage and followed Andy to the elevator. The doors pinged as they opened and all seven of us piled in as Andy hit the button for the top floor. It was quiet on the way up and I reached out, taking Alex's hand in mine for a moment. I thought she would've pulled away but from the corner of my eye, I could see her smile with a slight blush on her face.

Smiling, I pulled my hand back as the elevator stopped on out floor. When the doors opened, my eyes widened and so did Alex's. The others weren't surprised by how huge the room was, even though we were only in the lobby of our suite (). Alex and I whistled under our breath's and we brought our bags and suitcases upstairs where the rooms are.

"I already talked this over with Andy but because there's an odd number of us for right now, the three of us will be sharing a room," Jeremy told me and Alex. "You two will have to share a bed and that doesn't mean try anything stupid, Zachary."

I felt my face heat up and when I looked over at Alex, I could see that her face was red, too. "Really, Jeremy? I would never do that again." I saw her expression become unreadable as she remembered what happened a few years ago. I need to make this up to her so hopefully this will help, I thought as I started unpacking. I felt something poke me in the back and when I turned around, I saw my brother holding a box of hair dye. "Is this the exact shade as hers?" I asked as I took it.

He nodded. "Yeah. Same color and shade. I'll help you when Juliet gets here, which should be any minute now, I think." Jeremy walked out of the room and into the hallway. Andy followed after him and I had a feeling he was going downstairs to wait for her. I quickly hid the box under one of my t-shirts when Alex came back into the room to grab her brush.

The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs caught my attention and I turned around to see Juliet walk in with Andy. "Hey, Zack. Where's Alex?" She asked, tying her hair back. I pointed towards the bathroom and she nodded. "Gotcha."

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