Chapter Eleven

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                                                                                   Alexandra P.O.V.

"It's about time!" Someone shouted from behind us.

I turned around to see CC and Jinxx standing there. Jinxx actually looked amused while CC was grinning ear to ear. I flipped both of them off, which made CC look hurt. "That's not very nice, Alex."

"Get over it, Coma," I said, rolling my eyes. I could hear Zack chuckling behind me as he grabbed my hand. Looking over my shoulder, he looked at his brother and raised an eyebrow. It took me a few minutes but I finally put two and two together before turning back to Jinxx. "You helped him with this, didn't you?"

Jinxx shrugged. "All I did was dye his hair. He did everything else by himself."

I wasn't surprised by that but what did surprise me was when Zack stood next to his brother and both of them held out their arms to me. It was at that moment when I actually looked at Jinxx and CC that I saw they were both wearing tux's like Zack. They both chuckled at my expression and I shot them a dirty look as I took their arms. Jinxx squeezed my hand with his free one as the three of them led me inside and I was stunned silent when I saw the interior of the restaurant. It was simply amazing (

I was busy looking around that I didn't notice my uncle and aunt waving us over from where they were sitting. CC went on ahead of us while Jinxx and Zack led me over to the table we were occupying. Jinxx took his arm back and pulled out the chair next to my uncle for me. Zack kept my hand in his as he sat on the other side of me. "What's going on?" I asked, looking up at Jinxx.

"Andy said he has an announcement that he wants to tell everyone," he said and leaned down so we were face to face. "He already told me about what you three talked about. You've always been like my sister and that's never gonna change, Alex." Jinxx kissed my cheek, not in a creepy sort of way, but more like a big brother.

The waiter came over and placed our drinks in front of us. Andy grabbed his champagne glass and stood up, a smile on his face as he looked at us but his smile grew when he looked at me. "I made a promise to my brother to look after his kids if anything happened to him and despite the fact that we lost both Lucas and Nicholas, I'm going to keep the promise I made to him. Me and Juliet have been talking for awhile and we're going to legally adopt Alexandra. I know you're almost an adult but there's still a year and a half until then. I'm not going to let the state put you in the foster system when you have your family sitting right here."

Everyone was surprised when Jinxx stood up after Andy had sat down. He kept his attention on me as he spoke. "We may not be related by blood, but we're still a family. Yeah, we're messed up in our own ways, with one of us being hyper all the time," he coughed CC's name before continuing. "That's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that we're all gonna stick together."

Everyone raised their glasses at his little speech and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw how embarrassed he was. "For someone who doesn't talk that much, you did pretty good, Jeremy." I said, smiling at him.

Jinxx's face turned a bright shade of red when I called him by his real name and mumbled something before taking a sip of his champagne. Zack said something about seeing his brother so flustered just by being called by his actual name instead of his stage name and using it as blackmail, which earned him a glare from Jinxx, with the rest of us laughing.

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