Chapter Three

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Where the hell am I? I thought. I could hear a faint beep, beep coming from nearby but I couldn't open my eyes. My body wouldn't respond when I tried to move and that's when I heard voices. I recognized them but I couldn't speak. Everything was muffled and I felt someone's lips on my forehead followed by them saying, "I'll come by later to see you, kiddo."

There was only one person I knew who still called me that. I tried to speak again but the darkness took over once again.

There was a loud THUD as I fell out of bed, groaning in pain as I dragged myself to my feet, using my bed to do so. Still half asleep, I went over to my closet and opened the doors, nearly smacking myself in the face with them. Yes, I will admit that I am not a morning person so get over it. Once I found what I was looking for, I went into the bathroom and shut the door. I changed out of the t-shirt and shorts that I always slept in and put on a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, a black mini skirt with black and white striped leggings and my knee high boots.

After I was finished getting dressed, I went back into my room and finished getting ready. I put on my bracelets and chokers before going downstairs. As soon as I was in the living room, I walked into something, no, someone, and both of us stumbled back. Both of us looked up and glared at each other. The boy standing in front of me was a couple inches taller than me. He had black hair that hung over his eyes, similar to how dad's were. His eyes were the same blue as mine which wasn't strange seeing as how we were twins.

Lucas ruffled my hair as he went up the stairs. "Coffee's already made and dad left for work already. We're leaving in five minutes."

I flipped him off before I went to the kitchen to fill our cups with freshly brewed coffee. Five minutes later he came back down with his bag slung over his shoulder. I grabbed my messenger bag off the counter, handed him his coffee and left the house. Lucas was quiet as we walked to school, which wasn't unusual for him as I put my earbuds in and blasted the volume on my phone. We were twins but our personalities were complete opposites. Lucas was the quiet, calm and timid one while I was the loudmouth trouble maker, constantly getting into fights and sometimes ditching school.

Once we reached the school yard, Lucas hurried ahead of me and I just stayed where I was, watching him go. Something seemed off but I couldn't put a finger on it. Deciding that I was going to question him later, I went to my first class and kept my earbuds in. It felt all my classes were dragging by until the bang rang for lunch. Sighing with relief, I practically ran out of the classroom and ran down the hall to catch up with Layla and Zack. They both jumped when I came up behind them but Layla laughed while Zack just looked annoyed. I stuck my tongue out at him and the three of us went to our usual table. Something was starting to feel off about this but I ignored it. Layla looked around the cafeteria, a confused look on her face.

"Where's Lucas?" She asked, pulling her hood up.

"I don't know. He came with me this morning so he must have went home early," I said. It wasn't the first time he's done this.

Zack told both of us not to worry and before we knew it, it was time to head to our last two classes of the day. Pretending to pay attention, I kept watching the clocks until the final bell rang and I bolted out of my seat. I didn't bother to wait for Layla and Zack as I walked back home. When I reached the end of the driveway, I saw dad's mustang parked in front of the garage. Something's off. This isn't right, I thought as I walked through the front door and saw dad sitting on the couch with his guitar out.

"Do you know where Lucas is?" I asked him, my arms crossed.

He looked up at me then pointed to the stairs then went back to the music sheet that was in front of him. Rolling my eyes, I went upstairs and stopped outside Lucas' door. I knocked a couple times and when he didn't answer, I started to worry. I knocked again and there was still no answer. I banged my fist against the door, thinking he might have his headphones on and when he still didn't answer, I turned the doorknob but the door didn't open. He must have locked it. Backing up a few feet, I ran at the door and slammed my shoulder into it. It didn't budge and I repeated the process several more times until it finally gave in. Ignoring the pain, I slammed into the door one more time and this time, it busted open. My eyes widened in horror at the sight in front of me.

Th-this can't be. This has to be a nightmare! My mind shouted but I was frozen where I stood. Lucas was lying on the floor, an empty pill bottle next to him. I was numb all over as I staggered into his room and knelt down next to him. I already knew I wasn't going to find a pulse and I was right. There was no sign of him breathing and his body was already turning cold. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I screamed as loud as I could and seconds later, I heard footsteps approaching. Dad saw the scene before him and dialed 911 as he tried to pull me away from my brothers body. I couldn't believe I had to relive this day all over again. This was the day my twin took his own life.

"....clear!" Someone shouted from nearby followed by a strange sound. There were more voices and the sound was heard again followed by what sounded like a heart monitor. "She's going to be okay now. We just need to keep her for a couple more days just for observation."

"Thank you. Is it okay if we stayed with her for the night?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

The first voice was quiet for a few seconds. "Of course. I'll come and check on her in a little bit." The footsteps retreated and a second later, I heard the door close. Fighting against the drowsiness, I was finally able to open my eyes and flinched when I saw the bright overhead lights.

"She's awake!" I heard someone shout and was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug.

I winced from the pain. "Zack...?"

He pulled back so I could see his face and was surprised to see that he was almost crying. "Thank god you're awake." Zack choked out.

"Alex?" I heard someone else say and when I looked over, I saw Jeremy sitting next to me.

I tried to smile but it hurt to even do that. "Hey, Jinxx." I tried to sit up and Zack helped me. "What happened? Where am I?"

Zack and Jixx shared look that I couldn't understand. Jinxx was the one who answered. "There was an accident and you were brought here to the hospital."

Images of the crash flashed in my mind and the last thing remember was dad reaching out to me. "Dad. Where is he? What happened to him?" I voice was starting to rise and the heart monitor started to beep even louder.

Jinxx's expression was unreadable as tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Alexandra," he said. He never used my full name. "He passed away during surgery."

That was it. I started sobbing as my screams echoed off the walls. I doubled over, the tears still coming as Zack pulled me close to him as he smoothed my hair down. "It's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay." He murmured, trying to calm me down.

I buried my face in his chest, still sobbing. How was anything to be okay after this? 

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