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The Group order and ate there food. They had a good time together. They were just minding there business. The ihop door opens. There was this man with a mask on, he reached to his back and pulled out a gun. The couple that was there started screaming. Lexi and the rest turned around to see the man there pointing a gun at Lexi,

SHOOTER: Don't move or I'll shot

No body moved and no body made a sound.

I couldn't let him shot Lexi I promised her parents that I would take care of her until she didn't need me anymore, I was standing next to Lexi, The man pulled the trigger and all I could feel was pain.


No, No, No
This can't be happening,

LEXI: Why did you do that Alex

ALEX: I made a promise and I keep that promise.

LEXI: Fuck, okay Ale and Jabez go after that dude and find him NOW. Mattia and Roshaun help me take him to the car.


LEXI: Hazel call the hospital and tell them we are coming.

This can't be Alex took a bullet for me, everything was in slow motion I- I  Fuck, i get in my car and I feel some tears coming down my cheek I quickly wipe them. I drive fast to the hospital that we have.


LEXI: everything's going to be okay, don't worry Alex

The paramedics brought a bed for him,

DOCTOR: what happened to him.

LEXI: This Man was going to shoot me but Alex jump in.

DOCTOR: okay, well he need us to operate now.

I ran my fingers threw my hair, I can't lose him.

Me and Jabez were looking and looking.


ALE: wait look that's him, Let's go

We ran to catch him, Jabez took his gun and shot him on the Right leg, he dropped to the floor. We walked towards him slowly.

JABEZ: who the Fuck are you

??: (Groans)


??: Fuck you

Jabez took his gun and shot him on the head, he lifted his mask and it was an unfamiliar face.

ALE: we should go to the hospital

It has been an hour and nothing. It was now 1pm, I was pacing back-and-forth. I kept repeating and repeating the scene of what had happen.


LEXI: is he okay.

DOCTOR: we took the bullet out, But there was some damage. You see when he got shot the bullet the bullet was sorta inside his liver, so that caused him to bleed more. We stoped the bleeding now all we have to do is wait until he wakes up.

LEXI: okay, can I see him

DOCTOR: yes he's him room 105, But before you go remember that you can't go inside just look at him through the glass.

I nod my head and walk to the room 105, there was this big glass where I saw Him laying there on the bed, I couldn't take it much longer and broke down in tears, My cousin that I adore is there on that bed not moving, and he might wake up soon or maybe not.
I felt someone put there hand on my back rubbing up and down, I didn't care who it was I just needed a hug, I turned around and hugged that person.

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