Forty nine

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Atsumu ran to Samu's room with probably the best idea in his opinion EVER!


"What Tsumu.."


"What is it?"


"How we both have different color hair?"

"Wigs! I bought two!"

"I- fine..."


"Give me yer phone" Atsumu said, Osamu gave his phone to Atsumu also gaining Atsumu phone in return.

Osamu saw Atsumu take a picture but just ignored the idiot.

Osamu decided to do better then Atsumu and FaceTime his little Omi, before the FaceTime with Sakusa.

He forced his voice to be a little high pitched so he can sound like his annoying twin brother.

Atsumu's (Pov kinda) (btw he's in the living room)

I sent a picture I took of my self and sent it to Suna. (With some other poses and weird faces of Atsumu taking a picture of himself in Osamu's camer roll)


(Atsumu lifting up his shirt with a gray wig on)
Hey babe 😉

You look good.
Can I come over?
You maybe made a problem down there.


You don't wanna fix what you created Samu?
You know you'll get a worse punishment if we don't wanna do it angel~
Atsumu was shocked, a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to do.

Did his plan actually work?!

Osamu's (Pov kinda) (in his room)

I got on FaceTime with Sakusa, waiting till it connects. Finally..

"Hey Omi Omi~" Wow how embarrassed Osamu was after saying that.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Nothing just bored" Osamu was already tried of smiling.

"Want me to come over and keep you busy~?"
Sakusa said in a husky voice.

"Uh.."You couldn't imagine how high pitch Osamu's voice got.

"I'll take that as a yes then~ I'll be there in ten love you baby" after that Sakusa ended the FaceTime call.

Leaving Osamu shocked, and well what else? How is he gonna explain this to his brother?!
They both walked in the kitchen with concern faces.

It was quiet..

"I may have done something" Atsumu started.

"Me too.." Osamu added.

"WHAT DID YOU DO SAMU?!" Atsumu yelled with a panic expression on.

"I should be asking you the same thing"

"I- uh..never mind..let's just forget about this whole thing.." Atsumu said, after that said there was a knock on the door.

Both jumped and screamed a little, then looking at each other in surprise.
After pushing each other to see who'll open it, a voice came out on the other side.

"Hello?" Sakusa said. Atsumu was calm but then got confused and maybe jealous of what Osamu did to get his Omi over. (Wondering how bad Osamu plan was is what Atsumu was thinking)

On the other hand Osamu was freaking out on the inside. Not knowing how to explain this to Atsumu.

Osamu went to open the door, while Atsumu was standing in the kitchen wanting to ese drop on the conversation.

Osamu opened the door revealing one person he didn't want to see and his own BOYFRIEND?!

"Hey Angel~" After Atsumu hearing that he ran as fast as he could to his bedroom not wanting to die already.

"TSUMU GET BACK HERE!" Osamu yelled running after his brother.


"LET ME IN NOW TSUMU!" Osamu yelled banging on the door.

"NO- WAIT!" Osamu froze already knowing what was gonna happen.

"YOU GOT OMI HERE TOO, SO I SHOULD BE THE ONE CHASING YOU" Atsumu said, swinging the door open.




"So Tsumu did the same thing to you too?"


"They really throught they can fool us? Idiots" Suna added.

"*sigh* yeah, should we stop them before they kill each other?" Sakusa asked.

"Nahh" Suna answered.

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