Late Christmas shopping

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𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 ✈︎

It was the best month ever December, Bokuto couldn't wait till Christmas Day and accept gift and spend all day with friends and family.

December was probably Bokuto's favourite month, the snowy weather with snowflakes falling down on the ground filling it with snow.

The breeze and how you had to wear extra clothes to keep yourself warm, the way everyone is happy, making snowman's and Snow angles in the grass covered with the white soft cold substance.

The faces people make when they open their presents, how everyone is happy to decorate their house with Christmas lights, How everyone is hopeful and kind to one another.

The Christmas parties you're invited to, drinking hot chocolate while being wrapped in blankets and sitting in front of the fireplace. Or watching movies eating snacks.

When you get to decorate you're living room, kitchen, and bedroom with Christmas decorations. And the Christmas Tree that you keep on all night lighting up you're living room while everyone else is asleep.

It was the twenty fourth of December, Akaashi and Bokuto we're at a Christmas dinner with there old friends and teammates, some family too.

Everyone was happy to get to see each other again after so much years, trying to catch-up with everyone. The house was filled with talking and laughing being shared with everyone in the house party.

Kuroo was hanging around Bokuto while Kenma and Akaashi were talking with Hinata and Kageyama congrats them about there up coming wedding.

When something hit Kuroo making him remember something about Bokuto "Bro have you bought Keiji a gift for Christmas?" He asked seeing Bokuto eyes widened guess that's a no then "How could I forget!? I'm such a bad husband!!" Bokuto cried out sniffing in Kuroo new shirt.

Kuroo rolled his eyes cupping Bokuto's face since he can't tell Akaashi about why Bokuto's in emo mode "Listen here you still have time, but there won't be a lot of things to get him!" He took a deep breath before continuing "So go find him a amazing gift while there's store's still open" he said making Bokuto put on a serious face.

Bokuto soon left to a corner store that was the only thing open at this time at night since everything is close for Christmas.

He looked around when he spot the best gift he could buy. He checked out before going back inside his car and taking the wrapping paper he also bought covering the gift as best as he can without Akaashi help.

Bokuto was happy for what he got his amazing husband. Soon he went back home seeing Akaashi sleeping on there shared bed.

Bokuto put his gift underneath there Christmas tree him and Akaashi picked out. He left lifting the blanket Akaashi was under scouting inside. Laying there comfortable while he wrapped his arms around Akaashi pulling him closer to his chest.

Soon he fell asleep, the sun shining through the clear curtains. Making Bokuto wake up seeing Akaashi not next to him.

He walked in the kitchen with his Santa onesie on seeing Akaashi done making breakfast. He sat at the table "Merry Christmas Keiji!" "Merry Christmas Koutarou" he placed down two plates filled with pancakes with whipping cream on top and berries on the whipped cream.

They ate there breakfast before going to the living room. Bokuto pulled Akaashi away from the table before he could clean it.

Once they reached the Christmas tree Bokuto picked up his gift with a big red bow tie on it wrapped in white and golden wrapping paper.

Akaashi soon opened the gift as carefully he could not wanting to ruin the beautiful wrapping paper the covered the present.

Once he finally got to the box he open it seeing the gift was secured with paper. He finally pulled the paper off meeting a little glass Owl that looked just like him.

While Akaashi was admiring the beautiful gift he got, Bokuto was biting his nails nervous about Akaashi not liking his present "I'm sorry Akaashi it was the only thing left and I-" Akaashi covered his mouth with his hand "It's okay Koutarou. I love it" he said smiling.

Bokuto almost passed out from Akaashi smile. They continue Christmas opening presents, and soon Kuroo and Kenma came over.

The night was filled with laughter and smiles. Kenma was eating apple pie while Kuroo and Bokuto were laughing there heads off, and Akaashi giggling at his husband being stupid fighting with Kuroo about idiotic things.

Soon the other couple left. Bokuto and Akaashi went to bed cuddling while the glass owl was sitting on top of their shelves with other owl gifts Bokuto bought.

𝗘𝗻𝗱 ✔︎


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