Poem 13 {I Cling To You}

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Oh why am I still here?

On the floor in ruins?

Oh why are they still coming?

These tears still flowing.

It's been nine months and all I can feel is the hole in my chest.

I'm numb.

You said I'd be okay.

Do I look okay?

My face doesn't know what it's like to smile.

And my heart has built a shield;

You aint coming in.

Cause I'm going to be broken and shattered,

Cause there is no way out.

This will never end.

Why do I bother?

I mean no one cares.

Obviously you don't.

I mean I'm here and your there,

The difference?

You are happy.

So I save the tears for night and plaster fakeness all over.

But do you see through this?

Cause the only sign I have got is that your happy without me,

Stay away.

I need to forget the past and stop dreaming.

You will never be back.

But oh I can't move forward.

How can I?

When all my life clings to is you.

All my heart can do is scream for you.

All my brain thinks of is you.

All my hand aches for is yours.

All my sleep consists of is you.

And all I want is you.

• ♥ •

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