Poem 22 {Am I Meant To Stay?}

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Oh get me out of here.

Just take me away.

I'm sick of standing on the side lines.

I'm sick of waiting.

As one girl goes, another comes.

It's one after another, but oh it's never me.

I can't stand having to wait,

Just hoping maybe,

Just maybe you'll look my way

And think oh she's meant to stay.

It's agonizing to think someone else gets to lie in your arms,

They get your lips and I love yous.

What do I get?

I'm sick of waiting,

I'm sick of patience.

I'm sick of having to act calm and happy.

I'm sick of people saying be patient and he'll come to you.

Well I can't!

I'm waiting no more.

You can have those women that walk in and out of your life.

And the fairy tale of our constant love can burn,

Just like you've burnt me.

Cause you've scarred me and it looks like I'll never forget.

So I'll move away, away from you,

And I'll be alone.

Oh finally.

I'll be able to dream about you,

For once holding me and you saying to me,

Oh finally,

I love you.

But I stir,

I don't want to wake up, but I do.

I wake up to reality, where I'm deserted and alone.

I'm still numb as I stand on the sidelines.


Watching you as your life of joy passes me by,

And I stand still wrapped up in my damp blanket.

Standing I wait,

Standing I hope,

Standing I reach for you.

But oh baby I don't know what I want more now;

You, or to forget you?

• ♥ •

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