Poem 27 {Just Like You}

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I saw someone today,

That reminded me of you.

Their hair was cut shorter than yours was last time we met.

Their eyes were warm and captivating,

As they met mine across the room.

I looked down quickly, but I couldn't help it,

It was like with you; I couldn't help but watch and stare at them,

At their beauty.

I looked up to find a smile playing along their lips,

They were like the lips that I remembered pressed to mine,

Your lips.

The smile was inviting, a vortex,

It stole my breath, just like I remembered it.

They pressed off the wall, their hair dancing in their eyes

And a bounce to their step; I smiled;

Just like the first day we met.

Do you remember?

The smile still danced along those lips,

And it sucked me in; I was getting pulled towards them;

I couldn't move.

Sounds familiar?

He stopped in front of me, and he spoke words,

His voice full of colour; humour, gentleness, curiosity

And the most warming velvet tone imaginable.

He looked down, his face adorable,

My fingers edged with desire to reach out and touch it,

Like so many times before.

He was tall, just like you.

Tall enough for his chin to sit on top of my head as it’s tucked under their chin,

Secure and content,

Do you remember sitting like that baby, 'til the sun rose?

They reached out and pulled their fingers through mine;

Their fingers drumming and playing along my palm,

 My body filling with those memorable butterflies.

You leant forward and whispered in my ear;

‘I’ll never be far, how could I ever forget?

Oh cause baby I love you.

I love the feel of your racing heart against mine as you lay in my arms,

I adore the tentative look as you reach for me,

I’m addicted to the sound of you sighing as soon as our hands meet,

I need to see you every second of my life with the look of curiosity

 As you blink up at me from under your eyelashes,

I feel the luckiest in the world when I see you bite your bottom lip

 And you pull back and realise that your all for me, 

I live off your laughter and your breath taking smile,

My heart soars when you smile cheekily and whisper ‘I love you’.

Oh cause baby you are my purpose,

You are my life

And you are my soul.

Oh cos baby I can never forget.’

• ♥ •

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