Poem 36 {Heart Breaker}

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I've finally woken up and realised how blind I truly am.

What did I see?

I saw you outlined with innocence and beauty.

Well boy, your smiles going to falter once you see,

Once you see what I think of you.

How I know what you are.


Yea you.

You're nothing.

You're nothing but a boy who plays with girls heart strings.

You think that you have us all wrapped around your finger,

But we are catching on.

We are sensing and realising the fraud you are.

Cause your reputation is dissolving,

Cause we now know.

Yea we know you're not pure.

You are a dark one.

Outlined with lies and a terrible side.

You're talented,

I'll give you that.

You know how to burn every girl

And know how to steal and lead on so many.

But I'll be there that day.

That day.

Riding up front of the group.

And we will find you

And oh baby we'll make sure you feel what you've made us all feel.

We will bring you down.

Oh we aint as low as you to play you along as you've done so well.


It's called silence.

It's called being abandoned.

It's called being chucked in the deep end,

With no one to save you.

It's called having no one who cares as we all stand and watch you fall.

Walk in our shoes and feel and cry and burn as you


Realise what a monster you really are.

• ♥ •

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