Poem 42 {Break Your Promise Love}

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I promised myself that this wouldn't happen.


But I can't help it.

You caught my eye and all I could do was blink.

You look at me, not through me, but at me.

You understand me and you listen.

You look at me as if I'm important,

As if I hold the key to life.

And it makes me fly.

Your shy and that makes me so much more curious.

Though I promised myself that this wouldn't happen.

I go home smiling and singing, you make me skip.

I feel whole and I feel warm.

One word or catch of your eye makes me blush,

You're taking me off guard.

I'm not ready for this,

Oh remember you made a promise.

We talk and talk and you laugh with me and you smile at me.

Sending my heart on its own ride.

I can let you in and I don't feel cautious,

You hold my faith.

You made a promise girl, a promise.

The sheer mention of you brings a smile to my face.

The day I got a text and I saw it was you

 I couldn't help but smile and think 'If only you knew'.

I promised I wouldn't do this, don't break it.

Your leg lightly brushes mine

And I fill with so much warmth and so much love I think I'll burst.

Your eyes meet mine and I swim in the softness and warmth,

I feel cleansed.

You have patience and you have manners.

Though I can't help but get emotional

When I see you laughing with some other person,

All without me.

I don't know what you want.

But I do know what I want; though I made a promise.

A promise.

Your hand meets mine and I feel alive and on fire,

I'm burning with so much intensity.

I need you, I ache for you.

You look at me and your eyes soften as I sigh

And you pull me in.

I can feel you against me and I feel your breath.

Tentatively you pull your fingers through mine and bring my hand to your mouth

 And I tremble and shake with so much pleasure

As my heart throbs.

You keep my hand to your lips and look into my eyes.

'Baby, can you please, break your promise?

Cause you are my sun,

You are my purpose

And you own my heart.

Can you break your promise?


Flinging my arms around your neck and my lips meeting yours

I flood with so much energy and emotions and strength.

I'm safe and warm in your arms.

You hold me tight.

And I think;

'God yes, I've already broken it, oh cause I'm already in love'

• ♥ •

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