In the distance

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Maui's POV:
The sun had risen and the sky was lit up by a vibrant orange glow. I had been awake for a few minute and already slightly bored. The familiar sounds of waves crashing was all I heard until a noise was made behind me. Mulan had sat up and was running her eyes. When she acknowledged me she spoke: "oh hey Maui"
"Morning" I said sleepily. She walked over and sat next to me, her eyes fixed in the sunrise. "A pretty sight isn't it" I said also transfixed on the glowing orb surrounded by an array of bright colours. The sound of the waves filled the gap of silence as we continued to sit awkwardly in front of the sun. After what felt like too much time spent in silence, Mulan spoke up. "Sorry to bother you but, could you please test me on my sailing skills. I just want to make sure I get everything right for when I'm on my own." I accepted happily and asked her to show me everything she knew. There were a few things that she wasn't very good at so I showed her different methods that would be easier for beginners. She seemed slightly happier now than when I had first met her but she still had her guard up. I couldn't blame her. She was on a boat with three people that she had only known for a short amount of time, trying to find the love of her life who was lost and could be anywhere. I had no idea what that felt like. I had never really thought about love before. It wasn't one of my main interests as I would just spend most of my time sailing. I guess, if I were to find someone perfect, it would just be someone who shares the same passion for sailing as I. That way, we could sail together. But right then, I was happy as I was. Although, I couldn't help but wonder what love felt like. It must be pretty amazing for people to sail across the sea searching for the person they love. From what I've heard, love is strong and powerful and I guess Mulan's story has proved that point to be true. But maybe love doesn't have to be romantic to be powerful. I had so many people that loved me, and that alone has made me the person I am today. After Mulan had finished practicing, we were back to sitting in silence. But this time it wasn't awkward, in fact, it was refreshing. "Thank you" Mulan said, looking down at the water, "for everything." She looked up at me, smiling weakly. "You're welcome!" I said enthusiastically. It made me happy that she appreciated my company. However, it wouldn't be much longer and we would no longer get to enjoy each other's company. We were getting quite close to our home now and my nerves had started to increase. Mulan seemed to realise how nervous I was as she put a hand on my shoulder. "Is there something on your mind" she asked. I decided it was time i told her about my troubles and why I left home in the first place. Her expression seemed to change as I told her more about my backstory. She looked as if she sympathised with me and possibly related to me. "I know how that feels. My parents didn't want me to become a warrior because they were scared to lose me. But I did. And I met the most beautiful person because of it. My advice is to follow your heart. Don't be passive like I once was before I became who I am today. If you don't want to be chief, don't. In fact I think I may have a solution. I think there's someone else who would make a great chief some day."
"Moana of course! Her leadership skills have brought us here and I hope someday I can repay her. She met two strangers and put enough trust in them to befriend them. She's friendly, rational and most of all, she seems to want to become chief. At least talk to her about it."
She had a great point. I couldn't believe I hadn't realised sooner. Then I heard a voice from behind me: "hey look! I can see our island!"

(Sorry this chapter is probably quite boring. I'll try to make the next one more interesting seeing as the characters are nearly home.)

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