Until next time

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Moana's POV:
The memories came back to me as my o so familiar home came into view. I had been away for so long I could hardly remember what it looked like. But then, as I saw the island, memories of my childhood came to me. Collecting seashells on the shore, running away from the waves as they invaded the sand, burying my feet i the sand and letting the waves wash over them. My memories came to an abrupt end as I felt the boat moving at a faster pace. The waves were carrying us once again. I was filled with exhilaration as the wind pushed my hair back, flowing behind me as the boat continued to speed towards home. Ocean's expression was one of confusion and bemusement. Mulan was smiling slightly. She appeared happy but deep down, I could see her fears. Maui was also bewildered but nonetheless, he gave a loud laugh and threw his arms up, letting the waves take control. We reached the island in short time and my nerves had begun to creep up to me. I had no reason to be nervous, but I hadn't seen the island in too long. I could tell however just how nervous Maui was. Unlike me, he had every reason to be worried and I really felt for him in that moment. He was trying his best to hide it but his teeth were clenched along with his fists. Mulan came with us so that we could introduce her to the island and give her some supplies. Ocean's eyes were wide with amazement. Our island was very different to the one on which we met. Just then, our home came into view. I felt Maui tense up beside me. I walked up to the door and knocked while Maui and the others stayed slightly behind. My mother answered and her eyes lit up and instantly started to fill with tears as did mine when she saw me. "You're back! I missed you so much! Did you find Maui?"
I found myself at a loss for words so I nodded and gestured for Maui to come in. Tears streaked her face as she saw Maui step through the door. "Maui! Why did you leave? We were so worried"
Maui's sharpened expression began to melt and soften until he finally crumbled and he also began to cry. He apologised but had managed to dodge her question about why he'd left. I knew he was stalling and was nervous to tell her the truth but nonetheless, I was still extremely proud of him for coming home without hesitation and facing our parents again. Our mother pulled us into a tight hug and we all sobbed into each other's shoulders. I was so caught up in the moment that I almost forgot about introducing Mulan and ocean. "Mom, this is Mulan. She helped me on my journey." Mulan politely greeted her and my mother thanked her profusely. "And this is Ocean. She is my - friend. She also helped me on my journey." My mother pulled the two girls into an other hug as if they were part of the family. We invited them in and mother cooked us some food. I had always been used to my mother's cooking so I had forgotten how amazing it was until I had to go without it for a while. Mulan and Ocean seemed to love the food as they had come from very different places so I'm guessing their food would also be quite different. Once we had finished, I started to feel sad knowing that Mulan needed to leave as soon as possible. We gathered some food and supplies for her and put them in a compartment in the bottom of the boat. I could tell Maui was also a little sad. It seemed as though he had bonded with Mulan. She thanked us one last time as she stepped into the boat. Even ocean seemed slightly upset to see her go, even though she didn't have much of a connection with her. "I will miss you all. Thank you so much for everything" Mulan said smiling. She appeared as strong and fearless but I could see through her armour. I remember the first time I went sailing by myself. I was excited but also scared. Terrified. But that was the thrill that drove me to love sailing. I could see the same feeling in her eyes. We shared our supposed last goodbyes as we untied the boat. We gave the boat a shove and all rushed into the water as the boat drifted away.

(Thank you so much for 200 views! I never thought for a second that my story would get this far😂😂. Thank you to everyone who views and votes for my story, it really means a lot to me! I know this story probably isnt the best because originally, I wrote this for fun, not really expecting it to go anywhere but nonetheless, I hope you're enjoying it🤣)

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