Chapter 14- Emergence

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Taking place where the last chapter left off. Jack is still sitting against the wall, while Vyrdyr and Alessa are staring each other down. The purple energy that once engulfed Vyrdyr's hand and arm are replaced by lines of energy, traveling from Vyrdyr's hand to all across his body before disappearing. 

Vyrdyr seems like he's struggling to keep pain from visibly showing up on his face. He also seems ever so slightly physically weaker than before. 

Vyrdyr: Alessa... Good to see you again. 

Alessa: Not for the reason I'd hoped it would be. This isn't how I wanted to see you again. 

Vyrdyr: How exactly did you want to? 

Alessa: You should know that already. I wanted to see you again in a team reunion. Where we would get to know what each other has been up to for the past couple of years. A time where I would get to see someone who's supposed to be a good friend of mine. But that's impossible. And that's not just because of what you're doing right now. 

Vyrdyr: What do you mean? 

Alessa: Raimen's dead. 

For once Vyrdyr looks hurt. He looks down, seemingly to hide the tears that were forming in his eyes. 

Vyrdyr: Was it because of anything I did? 

Alessa: No. But even though it wasn't, your conscience still shouldn't be clear. 

Vyrdyr looks back up at Alessa, still trying his best to hold back the tears in his eyes. 

Alessa: He wanted to see you again so bad. Reconnect with his brother before he died. We both tried to contact you so many times over the last couple of years. I expected you to show up at your own brother's funeral, but you never did. You never came. And what were you doing? You were searching for that stone all around Remnant. On top of all of that, you killed Gin. Somebody else who was supposed to be your friend. All for what? I really hope that stone was worth it to you. The other may not be here to feel it, but I feel destroyed because of everything you've done. Absolutely heartbroken. 

Vyrdyr stares at Alessa, seeing tears coming to her eyes, getting to the point where she may break out in tears. 

Vyrdyr: You don't understand. I needed to get the stone. I needed to. 

Alessa: Why did you need to? How is the stone more important than your brother? How's it more important than your friends? 

Vyrdyr: I love my brother! Just like I love my friends. But sometimes love just can't cut it. Love doesn't make someone successful or powerful. Love is a weakness for your enemies to exploit!

Alessa shakes her head. 

Vyrdyr: Shame you don't agree. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that needed something to make me powerful. I regret killing Gin, but it had to happen for me to achieve what I was destined to. 

Alessa: Destined to? You think you were destined for that stone? 

Vyrdyr: I'm destined for power. Control. The stone is a great way to increase my power and use it to spread my influence. Make people fear me so much that they'd bow down to me. They'd be o overcome with fear to disobey me. 

Jack: Fear isn't the right way to get people to follow you. 

Vyrdyr: Stay out of this! 

Vyrdyr turns to look at Jack, who's using the wall to stand up. 

Vyrdyr: You don't have to be worried about power! You were naturally gifted with it! 

Jack: That's true. I was. But like the ones who came before me, I will use my powers to help people. I will use my powers to give the people of this world hope. 

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