Chapter 16- Union

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 Picking up right where we left off the last chapter.

(Jack's P.O.V.) Dream. 

I'm standing opposite Madrikhail in the empty space. Guessing we're in my mind, or some sort of dream. 

Jack: What would I have to talk about? 

Madrikhail: The evens that just took place. Even though you weren't in control, I trust that you were still watching. 

Jack: I was. I wasn't going to miss out on anything. 

Madrikhail: Good. You were watching and witnessing the power you'll possess one day. 

Jack: I'll have that type of power? 

Madrikhail: All Water Lords. Just some might take longer than others to achieve it. But that doesn't reflect on Lyn's bad teachings. That reflects on how long it takes for that person to find their inner power and let it out. How long it takes for that person to truly grasp their powers. And how long it even takes for that person to realize they're actually the Water Lord in the first place. 

Jack: You're in my mind and soul. How long do you think it'll take me? 

Madrikhail: You are well on your way to becoming a great and powerful Water Lord. Young and already further along than some of your predecessors. 

Jack: Really? 

Madrikhail: It's as you said. I am in your mind and soul. I can sense everything. 

Jack: Yeah, I guess you do. 

Madrikhail: You're destined for great things, Jack. 

I nod. 

Jack: I have a question. 

Madrikhail: Yes?

Jack: Since I'm here, I'm assuming I'm unconscious in a bed. How long until I wake up? 

Madrikhail: That's up in the air. It could be a few minutes from now. It could be a few hours from now. Or in the worst case, it could be a few months from now. 

Jack: You taking control had that much of an impact on my body? 

Madrikhail: I did warn you. 

Jack: I know, I know. I just don't think I was expecting that much. 

Madrikhail: I understand. You weren't thinking of the consequences when it came to keeping your friends and significant other safe. That's a good characteristic of a hero. But until your body and spirit get used to the physical power of the Water Lord, this exact thing will happen again and again. 

Jack: I better get used to it fast, then. 

Madrikhail: Don't rush it. The process of it all requires a great amount of concentration. And Lyn will be there to help you throughout the entire thing. So will I. 

Jack: Got it. But one more thing. 

Madrikhail: And that is?

Jack: What do I do in here until I wake up? 

Madrikhail: The only thing that makes sense. Meditation and concentration. Use this time to try to get a further understanding of the Water Lord and the capabilities that come with it. 

Jack: All right. 

(No One's P.O.V.) 

The scene switches to Lyn and Herth. The two of them are standing in the North Courtyard, accompanied by a few other Followers and Vyrdyr. Vyrdyr is standing in front of them with his hands tied. 

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